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Newzbin and Grabit Help

Discussion in 'Usenet newsgroups - Help, how-tos and discussion' started by MatiasFox, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. MatiasFox

    MatiasFox Guest

    I am downloading NZBs and everytime i get a NZB it says unable to connect to news:119 socket error # 11001 host not found. I have searched everywere on google and can not find out what the problem is. They are all talking in computer language like ports and stuff. And i am realy stupid at computers and need this explaining to me step by step. Help would be apreiated. Thanks.
  2. MatiasFox

    MatiasFox Guest

    I have now got to get most of everything corect, it is now saying '502 authentication failed' when i read up on this it is saying my password or acount name is incorect but its defonatly correct. What else could this be?
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum as not a news issue.
  4. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    not a p2p issue either

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