Such as Email, Outlook, Banking, Calenders etc. I am looking into getting a couple Droid's but only if it is compatible with most business applications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Email yes, I have 4 email accounts on it Outlook, yes, but i perfer google Banking, depends on what you want to do calanders, yes also has DOCS TO GO which does excel, word, and slide show, also has pdf, and a seperate PDF viewer I have had the typical Blackberry. But for me the Droid is more user first business second. While the BB is business then user. BUT, the droid is fully capable of being used as a business phone. Let me know what in peticular your looking for and I'll look into it more
Thanks for the response and great news on the Email, Outlook, Excel, Word and .pdf capabilities. Our company has a strict VPN so not many phones are compatible with the servers. For example, the HTC Touch Pro II is compatible but I recently discovered that the Motorola Droid has been approved for use as well.
AFAIK, it is compatible with Exchange Server for e-mail only. I am still struggling with getting the calendar imported. Most likely it's just my ignorance.
I havent work with the Droid personally I'm still using the G1 but this should apply to any Android based phone. Google Calendar sync works great when you calendars are hosted by Google but like you've mentioned a bit more of a hassle to get working with anything else. I've found it easier to find a desktop app that facilitates syncing from your desktop to Google Calendar. Obviously the software that works for you depends on the features you want and the non-google calendar program you use. But if with a two way sync calendar program you can have your desktop calendar sync changes/additions to a Google Calendar and then when your using your Android phone and make changes to the calendar (using the Google Calendar app) they will be sync to G-Cal. online and from there your desktop sync program will grab those new calendar events and sync them to your desktop. It works pretty well and then its just 1 calendar to work with and 1 less app to deal with.
OK, apparently v2.0.1 installed something when I was sleeping. There are now options to configure an Exchange Server to my Droid and now there is an app called "Corporate Calendar". I swear that this wasn't there before. It is now and it works fine.