hi was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction , i m thinking of buying an andriod media player... cyclone nano sim plus media player for example....wiping it clean and installing a linux system on it so that i can install xmbc and use it to stream movies etc ,,,,,anyone got any tutorials/downloads of how to do it or links to where i can find out more .....and finally how difficult it would be to do ....many thanks
its a rubbish box i have one has no ethernet port so have to use it wirelessly which is no good for streaming hd content, if you have a look for the sumvision x2 it is far better, http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-59/android_tv_box-967279/ have a read of this
Why not try an EVO Xfinity box, this has XBMC integrated http://www.sat-shop.co.uk/Digital-R...-Digital-Satellite-Receiver/product_info.html have seen it working and it was perfect but dont own one at the minute so cant say anymore about it.