I was very surprised I was only familiar with the winner. All the other big names in audio management didn't even make the list. I may do some more research to discover why a heavy hitter like WinApm wasn't included. This is the only current or even near current review I could find. I do like Media Monkey. http://jukebox-software-review.toptenreviews.com/ I found this one by ZD. This had some of the old favorites but didn't overlap with the first review. When looking at this "review" more closely this is a "joke" as much as it is a review. The reviews didn't go into much detail and were not compaired with the others. One Jukebox was several years late coming out with drivers for Win7. For all I know it may still not run on Win7. ZD has lost the quality they used to have. http://www.zdnet.com/mp3-jukebox-programs-1120214637/