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speaker help

Discussion in 'Audio' started by shingler, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. shingler

    shingler Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    ok, i have my computer linked to my tv and use it as a monitor, it is conected by a vga cable and a 3.5-3.5 phono cable. i want to buy some speakers for my room, all my music is on my computer so i play it through the tv. my first question is what speakers can i have? computer speakers or speakers for tvs? how would i conect it up so that all the audio comes throught the speakers and the tv speakers?

    any help would greatly be appriciated
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  2. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I suggest you buy a cheap HiFi or better if you can afford to do so. I have seen a super cheap bare bones 100 W amp for only 100 USDs. Spend the same for each speaker and you will actually have something. If you get computer speakers you can spend 5 times that and not have HiFi. No one wants cheap HiFis because they are not 'in'. All the better for you! I would peruse the last few pages on this forum. You should find several threads with more info for you.

    I almost forgot, You plug the computer sound card output into the Aux jack in the back of the amp. Almost any input will do unless they have a phono input. Do not use that, the amplification will be too great.

    Here are some cheap speakers that are HIFi

    Pyramid makes cheap amps. You can get a 100 w for less that 100 USDs.

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