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ConvertXtoDVD 4 - problems

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Enuf, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Enuf

    Enuf Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    Hi everyone,

    Been running ConvertXtoDVD v3 for some time with great results. Like making menus for series burned to DVD. Just upgraded to v4 and am having HUGE problems.

    I have AVI files which I can play thru PowerDVD on my puter and the quality is great. Converted it using v4 and the picture comes back pixilated and the video stutters. Help file says use better quality DVD's, but the ones I have are good quality, and this problem has never happened before.

    Have VSO changed one of the default settings between v3 and v4, does anyone know? I dont know an awful lot about encoding so I usually leave the defaults as is. What causes the stuttering? Can anyone help? The only thing strange I could see in the log file was:

    67 frames duplicated
    29659 frames dropped

    but I ran DivXRepair before converting, and it reported 'all frames good'

    Any help much appreciated
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I don't use ConvertX - but does it not save the output to the HDD - I.E you are not required to burn the disk immediately?
    Play the files in the HDD output folder - that should tell you if the problem exists before or after burning.

    That's probably the reason for the stuttering.

    Is it one file or multipls files?
    Is it files that converted ok using the previous version?

    You can try converting the file using FAVC or DVD Flick (both good free programs).
    If the output is still bad, then that lets ConVertX off the hook.
  3. Enuf

    Enuf Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    No, tired of making coaster, I have been saving the file to the HDD and playing those in the PowerDVD. The saved file is rubbish, the same as when its burned to a DVD. The AVI's I have are just one file and I am only trying to convert on file at a time. Hadn't tried them using v3, they are new files,

    I'm off to find FAVC or DVD Flick and see what the quality of the converted files is using them. It could be that the AVI file itself has had too much compression done on it?

    Thanks for the help
  4. startrek7

    startrek7 Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    If you'd like trying convertx one more time, there are new encoding options. Lanczos and Mitchell are the better ones. I was having a problem playing back Up, but I believe it was due to a bad dvd player!
    I couldn't stand DVD Flicks menus and FAVC made out of sync movies for me.
    Head over to the VSO Convertxtodvd forums for help with version 4. I was really impressed with what the Lanczos filter can do for a compressed avi (I have been working with 300mb mkv files, of regular movies, so that's pretty compressed.)
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010

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