Hello everyone. You can all guess I'm having trouble with something. I use a Win 7 Pro desktop with NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT 512MB DDR3. I have it since January 8th 2009, so I doubt the card is giving these problems. On my Win Vista HPremium laptop, this also happens. NVIDIA GeForce GT130M 1024MB DDR3. This one is almost 3 months old. Players that I've tried: WMP, Real Player, VLC Player in combination with either AVI Codec Pack Pro, Media Player Codec Pack or DivX Codecs. Those packs (not installed together) give me bad quality movies in those media players. Now, I got linked to this site by a friend, who says I get pro help here. I was gonna start following those steps Praetor posted, but I get stuck at step 1. -_- Manually deleting nitty codecs. If I try to remove the .dll, it says I need permission from TrustedInstaller (on the Win 7 desktop). If someone can tell me how to fix this, I can continue with Praetor's instructions and hopefully I can get better quality then. I will also post afterwards if those steps worked for me. Thank you in advance.
be careful and good luck. http://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/windows-7-how-to-delete-files-protected-by-trustedinstaller/
I was able to delete the 'nitty gritty' codecs, so I was gonna follow the steps again. Turns out none of the links work.. Or maybe 1. Anyways, my laptop has ok quality all of a sudden.. I didn't install codecs and still use WMP. WMP probably gets codecs for me. Downloaded VLC too, but quality is still shit on my desktop.. when fullscreen.
My first thought was why would you think a movie should be good quality if it's a compressed avi with low resolution especially on a desktop if it has a widescreen more so if it's an HD screen thingy,i can't see what codecs has to do with it as that's only whether it plays it or not wouldn't have thought it has anything to do with quality,only other thing that comes to mind is the graphics card software & whether it set to performance or quality,chances are it wouldn't make a diff then again ya never know,chances are your going to have to do a bit of trial & error along with a bit of banging ones head on the wall,"ahhh computers such fun" *italics*
Well.. now without codecs it's better than before.. About the compressed avi's; why do my friends get good quality then.. + original (bought) DVDs also suck in quality.. that's not normal.