hello all, I've 270p video files which are not playing smoothly. My system specs are as follows: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz 1 GB of RAM Intel Graphics Controller(in built) of 64 MB Sony BRAVIA 35*20(inches) HDTV as monitor Window XP SP3 What I've tried is to install VCL player and some codecs. Windows Media player is also not playing the 270p files smoothly. My guess is that the size of my display device is so big that my system can't play the 720p smoothly. Am i missing something. Any idea. Thanks for ur time.
Open the task manager at the process tab and check the CPU used by the media player when the 720p is being played. If it's approaching 100% that's the problem. Secondly, your graphics card only has 64MB of RAM? That may be an issue too. If the 720p video is encoded with H264 (avc), the CoreAVC decoder may help, since it uses less cpu than the others.
Well, Media Player is using 100% CPU. I've also checked the CoreAVC decoder but it didn't resolve the problem too. You are right about my graphics card Ram. The problem is that my main board has not AGP slot, so I can't increase my Video Ram. Do you thing that there is another way to resolve this problem.
Your PC is not designed to play 720p. The bottleneck seems to be the graphics. How about a PCI card? This for example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814187042