all downloaded avi movies that i convert to dvds come out blank, even though software says completed successfully. i put avi movie in dvd flick to change to dvd files. i tried it 2 ways: changed to video ts files, then put in dvd shrink to make iso file then burned in image burn to verbatim dvd-r disk. blank. then tried having dvd flick change directly to iso file to burn in image burn afterward. blank. the files are on my pc with the right amount of gigabytes, but on the final disk, nothing. have done this with different movies. all other movies burn, just can't burn those that are downloaded avi files. help please.
The disks are blank inasmuch as you have checked them with Explorer and there is no AUDIO_TS or VIDEO_TS folders on the disk?
I assume that you can still burn a data DVD. If the disk is truly blank then you should be able to burn a data file to it with ImgBurn. That would prove that the laser still functions.
Have you been doing this before, successfully ? If so. A simple System Restore could fix your problem, even if your burner is working ok with other movies.
my burner works fine, can burn any movie except for downloaded avi files that i convert to dvd files with dvd flick. only downloaded and converted avi movies give me this problem.