Hello, I am new to the site and hoping to get an answer to my question. I am trying to burn the movie "Avatar" to a DVD-R disk. The problem i am running into is that it is 6 minutes to long for the disk. As you know, the blank disk will hold a little more than 4 gigs and the run time on the disk is 120 minutes. I assume that one way is to shorten the movie with an editing program of some sort. If so which program (free) is the most user friendly to do this? If there is another way to accoplish this that is much easier could someone point me in the right direction. I am sure this might sound like a simple and possibly stupid question. Keep in mind that this is a new area for me. I just recently started burning movies to disk and so far have had very little problems. It is pretty easy, until now!!! Any and all help would really be great. Thanks.
What format is your movie? Are you trying to make a DVD Video and play it on your standalone DVD Player? Don't worry about the "120 minute" disc capacity("Avatar" is not 126min long anyway, is over 150min, which would make it way passed the 6 minutes you're talking about). You can easily put 4 hours of video on a 4.7 GB disc, just quality will be lower. Try DVD Flick.