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usb and sd card compatible dvd players

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by fayeeg, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. fayeeg

    fayeeg Member

    Nov 17, 2010
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    does anyone know of a portable dvd player that has a usb port and an sd card slot and will play movies downloaded from the internet? i once had such a portable dvd player but i was unable to watch my downloads. i called the mfg. and they said the usb port was not for usb sticks etc. so all my downloaded were for nothing.

    now i need to find a new dvd portable player. how can i know for sure that th movies i download will be viewable on the player. must i format or download in a specific manner?
    im pretty new at this and any and all advice will truly be appreciated. thanks to all of you who take the time to reply.

    YOBUZZB Regular member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Portable DVD players aren't usually equipped to handle your requests. People who wish to fulfill your request, do so with a laptop or netbook. Standalone dvd players didn't have the capability but in recent years they've become much better. Of course, now there's standalone blu-ray players and many of them are equipped to handle your requests. Portables, however, are a different matter. You never know, someone may offer such a product soon, but with so many other media choices, I wouldn't hold my breath.

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