Data CD read problem

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by vegas161, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. vegas161

    vegas161 Member

    Nov 4, 2009
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    Ok, odd problem. I have 2 cd's purchased some time ago (possibly 10 yrs?) from a 3rd party. They are data discs containing files of a vehicle manufacturer's parts catalog; diagrams, exploded views, part numbers, etc. Don't remember if it's a copy of a factory disc (not sure that they even used them at the time) or the person scanned the physical catalog and put the files on disc as it's been a while since they were used. All I know is they worked, were put back in their sleeves and stored.

    Needing to refer to them so I pulled them out, put them in and nothing. No read errors or anything just nothing. Drive spins up for a while then stops. Doesn't show anything in win explorer. Either disc, tried on 3 different computers 2 with winxp and 1 with vista and same thing, nothing. They aren't scratched or damaged in any way, and I know they worked before. It's just been so long since I don't remember if there was a specific program to run them or not? Don't remember who they were purchased from so can't ask them.

    Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    cd or dvd disks? is there paper label that covers almost the entire top of the disk? who manufactured the disk?
  3. vegas161

    vegas161 Member

    Nov 4, 2009
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    Almost positive they're cd. They were both labeled and I thought that might be the issue so I completely removed one of the labels. And same thing. There's no brand on it. It's just a gold colored disc. On the inner ring of one is a number: CH03W22180 on one and LB13H0101 on the other.

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