I have been using FlashFXP to connect between my PC and xbox for over a year now. They are connected through a 4-port switch. When I first started using it, the transfer rate between my computer and xbox was extremely fast, but lately it has gone down. The acutal transfer rate of files is still fast, but the problem is that instaed of moving onto the next file immeadietly after completing the previous one(like it used to do) the program is pausing for a few seconds before moving onto the next file. This wouldn't be so bad if I were trying to transfer one large file, but when I am trying to send a game over to my xbox that contains thousands of small 10 kb files, it takes hours to send. I was wondering if anybody had any idea as to what the problem is, and how I can fix it. Thanks.
I'm having the same exact problem, seems to have popped up in the last couple of months (I don't use FlashFXP that often).
This happens. It's probably that your xbox drive is filling up and hunting for space for the files. I have a tendency to use wsftp pro as it's more stable, and easier to set up. Try reinstalling flash..and if that doesn't work check free space on the xbox drive. One other possibility is you have previously been using an ftp accelerator with avalaunch or unleash. have a try transferring with one of those loaded.