I have a 9 year old lap top that needs reformatting but I cant find the windows xp boot disc. Is their a way I can reformat without having to pay for a new version? I have windows xp media edition from a newer computer. Will that work on another computer?
If that Media Edition is specifically for some manufacturer like HP, it won't work on for example Lenovo. But if you have your XP product key somewhere outside your laptop (usually in bottom), you can download XP install disc from the net and use your product key. That would be legal even if you download the disc from PirateBay.
9 year old lappy probably runs 2k or ME .. doubtful it will handle xp properly.. getting an xp key from an existing install is really easy.. everybody should know how to do it.. back up the activation as well.. http://www.winkeyfinder.com/winkeyfinder-news/win-keyfinder-1.73-rc2.php if it chucks a generic OEM key at you and normal xp refuses it send me a pm..
What about obtaining the original boot disk? Do I have to purchase a new one or can I use one that came with a different computer?
You'll have to bear with me I never refomatted a computer. I found the product key on the bottom. Do I download windows xp off the net and put it on a disc? Will this be the boot disc?