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ip renewal problem

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by coaxper, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. coaxper

    coaxper Guest

    Hey guys can anyone tell me what cAuses pc to not be
    able to renew ip address? I cant get the internet to work .
    I dont want to always reinstall windows to solve
    this problem . Please give me a way of fixing it . Also
    is it a good idea to update drivers? Does it help performance of my pc?
    Lastly whats the best free or cheap program to clean computer up
    and have it start running faster? Sorry for all this questions but i need
    some serious help . Thanks for all the feedback
  2. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    # Select Run... from the Start menu.
    # Enter cmd in the dialog box and click OK
    # Type ipconfig /release in the Command Prompt window and press Enter. You should get a message telling you that the IP address was successfully released.
    # Type ipconfig /renew in the Command Prompt window and press Enter. You should get an IP Address
    # Type exit to close the Command Prompt window

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