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ive tried to back / burn my ps1 game whats wrong? any advice?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by yamithor, May 21, 2011.

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  1. yamithor

    yamithor Guest

    ive found my original ps1 game and used clonecd and alcohol 120 to rip it. and burn it. didnt work.
    i went online found the same game and downloaded the files (.cue/bin) and (.ccd etc)
    plenty of times and triede to burn it onto a cd-r and i still cant get it to work..
    what am i doing wrong? i got a swap magic dvd and cd for my fat ps2. i tried the methods they use with the ps1 game then use the swap magic card and switch it out.
    still no cigar.
    all i want to do is play this old game bad since my disc is dead and ebay does not have anymore copies of it.
    the new clonecd has the option burn as (game cd) on it. and i got a newer alcohol 120 .
    can someone email me a vid or explain to me what im doing wrong, ive read the guieds from here,emuparadise,ps3iso,and more sites and still cant get satisfaction.
    should i just seek a gameshop to rebuffer my playstation one disc? but even then theres no guarentee its going to work.
  2. dravn8004

    dravn8004 Member

    May 25, 2008
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    swap magic only works for ps2 games not psx. you may want to try to install free mcboot and then get the psx launcher elf to boot your backup ps1 game.
  3. yamithor

    yamithor Guest

    http://youtu.be/eYLwlgWLn2s you can do it , i just want to know how to get my ps1 game on a cd .
    im screwing up something easy.
    i dont want to play it on the pc.
    can i resurface it myself?
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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