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More thoughts of copy right with zippy

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ZippyDSM, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Thoughts? is my train of thought sounding any more sound/sane less drooling?
  2. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    New train of thought

    Copyright and all things within is partially incompatible with today.

    With the focus on distribution and copying it basically means any poster of any picture,clip or copy of words/lyrics can be sued or have his comments removed from his site because thus system is policed by sometimes out of control business's who abuse a system no one really pays much attention to unless they have the time or money to fight corporate pettiness.

    The trouble is some of CP is set in stone and fair use is begin whittled away to ensure your only option is to buy or re buy. CP can last 100-200 years this may be to long to really benefit society, so what can be done..... well looking at fair use its vague for a reason and that is to allow the times to set its standards on a case by case basis.This of course allows for to much wiggle room and possible abuse from companies bigger than governments.So what do you do, you can amend fair use and expand it with what I call "non commercial freedom of digital expression and disobedience" IE using any copyright as long as its distribution dose not draw any money from the market environment IE no donations and no ad revenue based advertisement, direct unlicensed sale is already illicit.

    But we are not done here lets add another layer of protection for CP owners if you can show your CP'd items are being distributed by the millions similar to the numbers of he largest licensed digital store front then that site,public digital archive,file sever,ect goes beyond the scope of fair use.

    Now for one last set of guidelines, hardware and software circumventions must prove that they do more than allow unprotected item's to be used on or only unlock the device or piece of software in question. IE for it to be fair use has to offer more features or allow you full access to the product you have purchased.

    This emphasis's 2 things that circumvention has to do more for the item in question than remove protections and re emphasis's fair use on the web.

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