Hi there everybody. I backed up every Xbox game i've own (not alot of titles) and I know how to burn iso images to a dvd drive. The problem is not long ago i've tried to burn a xiso image file to a DVD-R using Nero. Once my computer burns the image to the blank dvd(sony brand by the way) and completes my Xbox would read it and display on EvoX that it's unknown. So my question is is there any programs that any of you know that can successfully burn imaged Xbox games files to a blank DVD and the Xbox being able to read it and play it? I know for a fact that maybe the way i'm burning the game to the dvd is what is caussing the Xbox to read an unknown disc. Thanks Guys. P.S I know about the GDF system it uses and without that on the DVD the Xbox won't be able to execute the game file.
Ok that program worked great. My Xbox recognize the burned DVD disc as a game and loads. Problem now is that it freezes sometimes. Could this be the optical drive of the Xbox or something wrong in the DVD disc itself? My Xbox is using a Philips Drive. I was thinking in upgrading to a Samsung Xbox Drive because i heard those are more dependable and can read disc much better than any drives installed on Xbox systems. Let me know guys and sorry if i sound like a novice.
that's the garbage called craxtion for you.. glitches and freezing up.. pro's never use it for anything but homebrew.. so there.. use cloneXB to make your xisos. http://www.xboxisozone.com/downloads/1203/CloneXB-v23-(Beta).html then use imgburn to stick the image on a nice 8x dvd-r at 4x .. get good disks, (I used ridata silver 8x) not maxell or datawrite crap. 16x disks are 50/50 read in the old drives... and +r disks are very patchy regardless of how you try burning them.. in ALL xbox drives. philips drive.. poor you.. those are crap.. IF you can find a samsung 605b it will be a good investment. don't squander money on a 605f tho.. no better than the philips.