is it possible to find out what dvd drive was in a machine if the drive has been removed ?. the problem is i bought a xbox 360 not knowing it had no dvd drive and i want to put one in but i don't know what drive was in it any help in this area would be great thank you .
you better hope to have a JTAG able Xbox otherwise no matter which drive you put in you wont be able to play games because you dont even have the DVD Key IF your Xbox is JTAGable then you can JTAG it and dump the DVD Key im not sure on the specifics but i know that its completely possible
Thanks i'm pretty sure it is JTAG able it's a fairly old machine 2006 according to the case will look into JTAGing i think and see if it's worth the bother anyway thanks again
well the age of the console makes JTAGGING easier but if you have a NXE or later dashboard it will be more difficult if not impossible but im not sure on the exact details and requirements on JTAGGING the Xbox 360
I just have a question about the jtagging once its jaytagged we extract the orininal key of the original dvd drive then go through the process of copying it to the new drive and spoofing. Would that work or not because I don't really know a lot on all this stuff.