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Xbox CD-R Compatibility/A USB Question

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Enasni, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Enasni

    Enasni Member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    I have tried multiple times to burn CD-R's to transfer data to my Xbox(has a Samsung drive, and is softmodded to UnleashX), and every time UnleashX says that the drive is empty, so it's failing to load. I checked the list of compatible media here and all three CD-R's I tried, were listed compatible. I burnt at lowest burn speed, using Roxio. My Xbox still will not read them. I'm at a loss at this point.

    My other thought was to use a USB drive to transfer files to my xbox. Of course, a few quick google searches and I discovered that this is allegedly not a possibility? When plugging a FAT or FAT32 formatted USB drive into the xbox, UnleashX tells me, of course, it's "not formatted", which would indicate it needs to be formatted the way the xbox wants it, as a memory card. I was wondering if there was any possible way around this whatsoever, that I could transfer files to my Xbox via USB.

    Any and all help appreciated, thanks.
  2. Enasni

    Enasni Member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    It may be of some relevance that I can only boot to my modded dash if a blank CD-R is in the console...

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