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Have sky and UPC cable? What options?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by CitizenH, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. CitizenH

    CitizenH Regular member

    Jan 18, 2008
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    I've not been looking in here in a while ever since my Eurovox hasn't worked anymore in the last year or so...

    So I still have my Sky subscription & analog UPC cable coming into my house.

    Noticed on here some threads about dreambox 500s units that can be used to decode scrambled signals.
    Is this for cable or satellite or both?

    Also seen that they need a connection to the internet? Does the router have to be connected directly by an
    ethernet cable or can it be done wirelessly? I have my router up stairs out of sight but need the TV down
    by the living room.
    Also what is the reasoning behind the dreambox having to be connected to the internet?

    Thanks in advance....

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    Firstly in Ire, only the dreambox is of current use to you on sat, you need this connected to clear the chans, I suggest you use the search function and search for

    shy chans on dreambox thread its all explained in that thread

    and this


    There are private cable shares, but as I say, private so you wont get anyone openly asking you to join them

    if your router is upstairs, you can use homeplugs, this allows you to connect your router to your box using the cables in the house as a LAN, I suggest you google homeplugs for more info on them and how they work or use the search function on here, there are a number of posts covering them and how they work
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011

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