I have just bought this and have connected it up and downloaded the program tools that they recommend. The box has picked up the channel titles but no pictures appear except standard terrestrial channels.What can be done? do i need to try downloading a different program ?
Have the Crime Investigating Channel missing for about 5 days now, anyone have the same problem, is there anyway i can get it back prompt or will i just have to wait? cheers.
hey mickah ,thanks ! have you got the link for the download tool + BIN file ? if i still have problems are there any other links or solutions to getting the program onto the kryptview ?
found on another site: This is what ive been reliably informed and personally believe to be true and IMHO where we currently stand with regards to the KV. As rumours and stories suggest the main importer of Kryptview's business premises were raided by police and arrests were made, but as the importer is a legitimate businessman he DOES NOT host or maintain any illegal upload servers whatsoever, so this particular raid appears to have been futile and all concerned have been released. However I have also had confirmed info about uploaders being found as well during two other raids on seperate domestic properties. So the whole thing IMO looks like there have been loose lips involved somewhere within the ring. The people who do operate the servers the "unofficial KV team" as i like to refer to them appear to have found out about the latter raids and took their upload servers offline as a precaution. As i understand how their system works there are a selection of the unofficial team involved across the country that are hosting these uploaders and the remaining ones have been voluntarily brought offline as a consequence. The main overseas relay server is still currently in operation and remaining uploaders will be brought back online when safe and possible to do so. I have no affiliation to neither importer or Unofficial KV team and usually get information from various trusted sources. So please dont ask me any questions regarding servers and timescales as i have nothing more to offer on it. __________________ Hasten to add I found this on another site @ 1:30pm 4/4/11 Its not my work...just trying to be helpful