I've been tinkering with the new Eurovox EX6000 SD for a few days now, and here is my review of the product. At a Glance. For a start on first looks its appearance has had a face-lift for the better in my opinion, much more modern looking with rounded corners also the top front face curves round to the top of the receiver. The green LCD display digits are noticeably smaller but not too small making it look tidy when turned on. It has the same flip down front as the other max v and 5000 5100 series and behind has 2 slots although they are not in use, one which looks to hold a card and below that a slot for a Hard Drive. As for the rear of the box it has a numerous changes for the better in comparison to the previous Eurovox models a major one to mention for picture quality is that is has Component Video Output rather than the composite, component is far superior to composite and the difference can be dramatic on large TV's. I have a 42 inch widescreen LG TV and the difference is remarkable. Even the picture from the scart out has been improved compared to all their previous models. You will also notice the USB socket for external Storage whether it be a USB Pen Drive (which also updates the receiver) or an External Hard Drive, I have so far tried 4 different USB pen Drives and 3 external Hard Drives to test compatibility between them all and on every boot the eurovox recognized them all!. The Remote, Feels to have a much better build quality to it's predecessor, it is a little shorter than the 5000 pvr model but a little wider at the top, there are more features on the remote eg, bookmarks, sleep, file list, advance, PIP (picture in picture) aspect ratio, timeshift and more. The Menu. The Menu has completely changed, again in my opinion for the better, the switching between menu's is instant also the the powerscan takes about ½ the time the previous eurovox's took and I actually got 7 extra channels I wasn't aware of with the ex 6000 SD that I didn't get with any of the others before. Take a look at the screenshots below to see how it looks, the pictures don't do it justice. Favourates Menu. With the ex 6000 SD it sorts your channels out into 12 category Groups as default and they are - Kids - Shopping - international - others- Entertainment - Factual - Lifestyle - Music - Movies - Adult - sports - news, it also has the capability to add another 4 categories at your choice and you can rename any of the default category groups to your liking. Recording with the Ex 6000 SD. Unlike the previous PVRs this one really does work well when recording, as soon as you press record it starts instantly which was a major gripe before. Sometimes after pressing record you would be sat there a minute later with a frozen screen waiting for the thing to wake up, that problem has been eradicated with this model. Playback is also instant and the timer works very well also. EPG EPG loads instantly and shows todays listings, sometimes I have seen it show tomorrows listing on certain channels also which is a first for the eurovox. Another thing I noticed with this EPG in comparison to the old EPG, the little summary box that showed the details of what you were watching was always cut short and you couldn't scroll down to view the rest of the information, with the ex 6000 sd if you click on the PIP button (blue button) it scrolls down and shows all the info. Here's what the epg looks like. Channel Listings. Pressing OK or Fav brings you to this screen, pulling left or right navigates you through the favorite categories mentioned above, the channels are sorted extremly well and all in the correct places matching the category name. again the summary preview scrolls down in this menu works the same as it does in the EPG menu. PIP (Picture in picture) Pressing the blue button on the remote brings up picture in picture capability, a menu loads with the option to show 2 - 4 - 6 - 9 pictures at one time, another first for the Eurovox. Hidden Menu. With this model finding the hidden menu has been simplified, on any channel whilst watch TV just press 8282 then this will load, the rest is self explanatory. My personal opinion regarding this unit is that the ex 6000 sd works far better than any other eurovox ever made and I have tried them all. The updating process had been made idiot proof (no offense meant) , the workings of the box in the menus / EPG / channel changing is a fast as it can be and updating of new keys is extremely fast. The firmware also seems so far to run perfectly, no bugs found as of yet, the box is stable fires up after standby overnight (unlike some) and the PVR works as it should. I have tried to include the main features of this reciever in this review, there is too many features of this receiver to go through everything in detail.
EX6000SD Nov 25th release 2.04p Just a couple of changes, 1) "FAV Key" function added - Pressing FAV key while in Fav Channel List moves forward thru categorys, same as RIGHT key press. 2) "Recording File Name format" changed to your recommendation, ie: Event Name/Date/Channel Name. To flash the unit with the updated firmware couldn't be easier. Download the file above and save it to your Desktop. (You will need Winrar to open the file >> WinRAR ) Once winRAR is installed the file on your Desktop will look like this , right click the file and click extract files, it will then place the file on your Desktop and show as a folder. With your USB pen drive plugged in go to Start - My Computer and you will see it named in their as removable Disc. Open the Drive and leave open, now you need to go to your desktop, you can leave the removable hard drive window partially open by clicking restore down Open the folder you extracted to your Desktop and restore that down so you can see both your removable drive and the ex6000 KURO file in the same screen. Drag and drop the KURO file across into your Removable Drive. Unplug the USB Drive from your PC and plug it into you Eurovox unit making sure both pc and eurovox are turned off!. Once you power the Eurovox on you will see this on your TV screen. Then This, Once that's complete your done, you don't need to turn emu on like the other eurovox's you can proceed to powerscan. If you want to bring the Keys up whilst watching your TV key in 8282 and the CAS menu will show, that easy!!
I thought by now you knew how to put together a decent review lol Satire doesn't become me so I will leave it there I also have had the opportunity of trying out the EX6000 and cannot comment on it as you have covered all the pro and cons. N3 here is obviously a big con but that's for another review, its not the box at fault Pro wise all I can say is it is the best closed source PVR box I have had the pleasure of using. I am always careful when giving reviews on any boxes as I do not want to see it to be misinterpreted as an advert. I am far from that part of the scene and try to offer an unbiased viewpoint when commenting on any new box to market. The TS format plays perfectly on my PC with windows media player classic and Gomplayer as well as through the EX6000 itself. I could try others but have not as of yet. I have also tried other type of files which I converted to mpg, a simple rename has sufficed in most cases,no conversion was required and all played perfectly through the EX6000. I store most of my TVprogrammes and movies on my media player so its a bonus that I can now utilise the EX6000 to playback some of my files. Looks like they looked at the container and allowed for more versatility in regards to the user's requirements. They have done their homework on this one and hopefully the support is just as good. At the end of it all I don't listen to opinion I make up my own and so should all others. But opinion can only be based on knowledge of the box so you need to have one first Once again nice review, (not mine but Mr. HiTeck's)
Cheers both!, Sc0user that was something I forgot to mention, thanks for covering that I can play my *ahem back up films from my hard drive, haven't tried the rename to get them going very useful info as always mate
Thanks for the info and a great review.Would definitely be in the market for one of these if ever there was a fix for you know what.
HiTeck, your reviews are awesome. Well done Pal. Thank you for taking the time to make this review. We all appreciate your honest and unbiased review. Keep up the great reviews Pal. Zemme
Hello I would like to ask about this box when you are recording can you then go and watch another channel ? so watch one channel whilst recording another ? And I would like a more detailed explanation on what kind of harddrive i would require to record programmes etc. Thankyou.
np Zemme. Any normal external hard drive or USB Flash Drive will do. As for the recording, this has a single tuner so you can record and watch another channel only if the other channel you want to watch is on the same transponder.