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Hitachi LG aka HL-DT-ST GT30n Questions!

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by Tribolt, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. Tribolt

    Tribolt Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    O.k. People, I have not been here in a long time or posted much but I back to ask some advise I need badly. The thing is I bought and ASUS G60Jx Laptop and it came with the said above DVD Burner drive. Now I need to do some HQ Dual Layer DVD+R Movie burning and I need the Burner to Bit-set(Book-type) my Dual Layer DVD+R media to DVD-ROM. Does the drive book-type at all? I have not tried any blank media in it yet as I do not want to waste my good media.
    I have tried Media Code Speed Edit 1207 program but the bit-setting was not available to patch the bin file of the firmware ASS2. I tried looking for the old firmware (AS02) for download but nothing came up in Goggle. Is there any retail firmware for this drive at all? I heard of people cross flashing firmware to get bit-setting. I heard of the HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA84 burner book-typing DVD+R automatically to DVD-ROM but not being able to change it manually or being available in the Nero info tool!?
    Bottom line dose the Burner book-type in anyway possible? If not what do you all thing would be a good external Dual Layer Burner that book-types? I thought about getting a Samsung SE-S084C Slimline Burner from T-Direct. Is this good and does it book-type and burn Dual Layer media?
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  2. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    try imgburn that'll tell you..

    though you will still probably make 10 or so coasters with that lump of oem crap before it dies.. slimline cheapass oem junk like that aren't up to burning d/l disks.. Invest in an external quality proper branded burner in an external usb housing (no more HL-DT-ST junk please.. I can buy those for less than £1 each NEW!!!).. makes more sense and will cost less than a spool of 50 d/l disks.. which you will likely waste 25 of trying before the slimline internal burner dies completely (or you work out it has).. save that for reading disks because laptop drives are horribly expensive to replace.
    An external burner.. a good one .. and an external usb housing will cost maybe $45 .. a laptop drive to replace the one fitted now.. IF you can source anything better to fit.. will be $80 and up.. choice is yours...

    Why do internal laptop d/l drives die quickly?.. they overheat and are built "light duty" .. then the laptop manufacturers squeeze every farthing of profit out of them by using the cheapest nastiest junk that barely meets specs.. I have seen burners with different laser assemblies and flashed firmware made into dvd-rom drives.. and then the drive label "edited" with black marker pen!! .. They use any junk they have available..
  3. Tribolt

    Tribolt Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Yeah but thanks for the input anyway but the drive is pretty good and book-types my +R disc automatically. Is quite quiet too. Later!

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