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DVD FAB Failed to burn

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by elcue, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. elcue

    elcue Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    I was in A DVD FAB forum and was directed here to make a post.This was my only close choice.I have never posted before.
    I do not know how to correct a failed to burn problem. But I can tell you this.
    Once you get failed to burn do you want to burn again.YOU MUST CHANCE DVD TYPE even or
    BRAND. I mean change from + to - and sometimes even brand.
    You will never be able to use the type and brand you got the FAILED TO BURN error with
    for that movie.
    There must be a log someplace that will forever reject the type media that failed for that particular movie.
    Does anyone know how to completely clear / remove this failure to burn log from every nook and cranny ?
    Also even if you have another version of FAB on the same computer to use you will get the same error automatically FAILED TO BURN DO YOU WANT TO TRY AGAIN .
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum as not a news issue.
  3. Berryone

    Berryone Regular member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    No Wonder You Didnt Get a Reply. I Have a News Flash For You.

    Rip the DVD with DFab to your Hard Drive.
    Then Burn It With Imgburn.

    Use Good Quality Disc (Verbatims or TYs)
    Burn at 1/2 the Rated Speed of the Blank Discs
    Set the Target Area to 4300

    In DFab at the Top Right There is A Green Check Mark, Click on That.
    Another Screen Will Appear, Where It Says Diagnosis
    That Is Where You Will Find Where DFab Puts The Logs. IThink Its Default Is Users\Documents\DFab. You Can Delete That DFab Folder To Get Rid Of Any DFab Logs.

    Failed Logs That Are Posted Are A Valuable Asset To Anyone Who Is Trying To Correct a Failed Burn.

    Burn Logs Aren't Sadistic (or Maybe They Are) They Don't Hold Grudges Against Brands of DVDs.

    So Try a Burn if it Fails Go to Your Log Folder Open it Up Copy it and Paste That Baby Here.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  4. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    To add to Berryone's comments on the "failed to burn", when it's a firmware issue relative to media, usually the problem continues with all the media in the lot. Simply put, older drives will sometimes fail to close the disc with newer media. A friend recently gave me a tub of DVDs because they wouldn't burn on his system. They worked perfect on mine. That's what happened a few years back when Memorex changed to CMC manufactured DVDs. Everybody blamed the media when the problem was with the hardware.

    If the software was functioning properly and burning before with the same media, then I suggest you follow Berryone's advice and burn to the hard drive and burn and/or do diagnostics on the files from there. Try another DVD to see if it's a problem isolated to the DVD that failed. (I've not heard of stored logs causing failed burns and I've used DVDFab for years.) A couple of hints... Normally if you can open the files with DVD Shrink (the old software still has its uses), they should burn. Some problems can be solved by running the files through FixVTS. One thing to remember, always keep your software (DVDFab) and the burner firmware up to date. Firmware can be found on most manufacturer's websites... just google.

    I realize I'm going on assumptions and covering issues along with other replies. A person with a problem should post a few things to make diagnosing easier. The title of the DVD that was being copied when the problem occurred, the version of the software in use; any logs generated; the media in use (manufacturer found by DVD Identifier or from burning software... CMC, Ritek, Sony... not just the brand name on the media, such as Memorex); and the burner model (with firmware version, if possible).
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  5. elcue

    elcue Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    The next time it happens I will copy and paste if possible all info. I can .
    I have even gone to a (different computer) and retried . But even if I use the same brand or different + or - I was using at the time . Although a different disc FAB will duplicate the failed to burn message .
    Again I must change the format and sometimes brands also .
    The errors do more frequently happen with +Rs though . I seems
    once the error happens with a + or - I can not use that format for that title on any computer .
    A Gracious THANK YOU to ALL for A REPLY
  6. elcue

    elcue Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Thank You very much . I did not know what forum to use .
  7. Berryone

    Berryone Regular member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I Was Just Wondering If Your Firmware Is Up-To-Date.

    You Can Check That Under Tools In Imgburn.

    It Would Help If We Knew The Make and Model of Your Burner.
  8. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Hopefully the issue has been resolved. If not, take my and Berryone's advice. Firmware or manufacturer of media, or a combination of the 2, are often culprits when it comes to failure burning a DVD. As mentioned, it's not just the brand; a manufacturer often manufactures for more than one brand. Newly manufactured media can sometimes have a burn algorithm older firmware is unable to use. Always make sure the drive has the latest firmware. You can usually find the latest firmware at the manufacturer's website. Normally if the software works til you enter the burn sequence, it's the failure of the drive or the media. So... when it comes to diagnosing, the manufacturer (not just the brand), drive model, firmware, and name of DVD (source) and studio are handy items to know. + and - are good to know, but rarely an issue nowadays.

    It would be good to know what the solution was in order to help others with similar issues.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011

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