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VGA to HDMI possible?

Discussion in 'Home Theater PC' started by xalaros, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. thelken

    thelken Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    VidJunkie, that is correct. I have read that all upconverting DVD players must output the unconverted signal through HDMI only. (HDCP) I have never seen one otherwise.
  2. ddubb

    ddubb Guest

    I have a related question. I currently own a HP M7680n. Here's a list of available input/output:

    # 6 Hi-Speed USB, 2 IEEE 1394 (FireWire), 1 Keyboard Generic, 1 Mouse Generic, 1 Display / video VGA, 1 Network Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX, 1 Audio, 1 Audio, 1 Audio, 1 Audio Line-in, 1 Audio Line-out/headphones, 1 Headphones Output, 2 Microphone Input, 1 Parallel IEEE 1284 (EPP/ECP), 1 Audio, 1 Audio, 1 Audio Line-in, 1 Display / video DVI-Analog/Digital, 1 Display / video, 1 Display / video

    I'm shopping for a LCD tv and need to know what input the tv must have to connect to my pc. Hi def is not much of a priority at all. I currently have a CRT tube tv and that displays the pc just fine except for text. For a monitor I have a 27 in Samsung LCD.

    My original thought was to make sure that any new LCD tv I buy (45"-50") has VGA in. I'm sure that would be easiest and positive I'd be happy with the result. But now I'm wondering if there are other options like finding a tv having no VGA input, and then converting the signal from the pc to something compatible with the tv.

    So what are my options and what cables or converters will I need? Thanks
  3. sd72667

    sd72667 Regular member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I read somewhere that there is a DVD that upconverts through component. You need to google it.
  4. shanxk8

    shanxk8 Member

    May 4, 2007
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    After looking for a while for an option to connect my laptop (vga/s-video output only) to my hdtv, I happened across this thread. Reading that there are options to output vga to a tv through component, what would you all suggest/recommend for this? Thanks
  5. comdist

    comdist Guest

    i got banned for spam edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2008
  6. durks

    durks Member

    May 14, 2007
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    Interesting thread.
    But my problem is the opposite way round.
    I think my question was answered previously, but things seem to have become a bit muddled, and left me in a more confused state than before.
    I have a Toshiba 42WP46 that is HD compatible but has no HDMI input port and a Cable TV Drive with HDMI out, but am forced to use scart to connect the 2.
    Is there any way to go from HDMI to either VGA or RGB without it costing megga bucks.
    Im not too fussed about pure HD images, but cable from scart on a plasma is terrible to behold.


  7. taltamir

    taltamir Guest

    lots of people here are spewing HDMI-HDCP propaganda crap...

    HDMI is really not that good, in fact, you are probably going to get a better signal with DVI or simply component.

    As for WHY would someone want to make the conversion... its because most laptops have a VGA and MAYBE S-Video outputs... S-video provides for crap resolution. So being able to take the VGA and somehow plug it in to your shiny new HDTV would be a really nice thing. (it eliminates the need to build a dedicated HTPC for 700$, or buy one for 2000$+)

    In fact, I found this thread for exactly this very reason! I was looking for some way to plug VGA to HDTV. I found out that they make VGA to Component cables... but they do NOT work with PC output, it requires component over VGA (which apparently some retarded devices use for some reason). Sometimes I think the electronics giants are pushing crap like that intentionally to spite us. I mean, HDCP? A digital signal over DVI / HDMI that does NOT have error correction / transmission verification?
  8. E_Zmoke

    E_Zmoke Guest

    WOW !!! Call me confused, can somebody please re-explain this in English, I'm so lost...I just bought a new 50" LCD HDTV 1080P, It has HDMI imputs on the tv, and everything else but no VGA imput, I simply want to hook up my computer to the TV, my computer has no other outputs except VGA. Should I brake down and spend the $400 on a convertor to HDMI ? Can I just buy a VGA to HDMI crossover connector and HDMI cables and plug it in ? Which is the best way to go about hooking my computer into my TV and still having a clear picture ? What about sound ? If I hook up via VGA then I have no Sound ? And is their a way to hook up my computer to my house stereo? WHY CAN'T THEY JUST MAKE ONE CABLE TO PLUG INTO EVERYTHING ? or is that what HDMI is supposed to do ? Another option I was thinking about was a New Graphics card that has an HDMI output on the back of the PCI slot ??? LOST and confused, just want electronics to be simple...thanks
  9. mystero

    mystero Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    very interesting and cheap VGA, YPrPb , CV, Sv to HDMI 1080p converter you can find under www.rosato-solutions.com

    contact:rosatost@tin.it for prices
  10. taltamir

    taltamir Guest

    I finally found it out! there IS a way to properly connect an HDTV to a computer...

    Look at your video card, good chance it has an "s-video" plug... well look again. In most new gen video cards (geforce 7 and 8 for example) this isn't an s-video plug, but a VERY similar look special plug into which you connect a splitter that splits it to component and s-video outputs... connect THAT to your HDTV.

    Basically nvidia and ATI each have different schemes to connect TVs, using various proprietary adapters that are unique to each video card line. Look up the one that fits your specific video card!
  11. video4531

    video4531 Guest

    no advertising unless you pay for it. edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2007
  12. taltamir

    taltamir Guest

    Great, spam!

    Great idea, get a VGA to HDMI converter box for hundreds of dollars... I have a BETTER idea. Upgrade to a cheap GeForce7/8 card that has HD out via component and it will cost you less, and have the benefit of a more powerful video card.

    The important thing is to realise it is not important to go from VGA to HDMI, but rather, go from you COMPUTER to you TV. With that in mind a much better route of a video card's component out to HDTV becomes the ideal connection. (or DVI to DVI if your TV has DVI input)
  13. taltamir

    taltamir Guest

    ugh, cant update my post... anyways, I just noticed that the spammer is advertising a box that can convert a computer signal to HDMI.... at max resolution of 800*600! Thats just sad, thats not even 720p! why would you WANT to even convert it if its not the actual resolution... at that res you might aswell just plug it through S-Video
  14. video4531

    video4531 Guest

    no advertising unless you pay for it. edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2007
  15. video4531

    video4531 Guest

    no advertising unless you pay for it. edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2007
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  17. conver453

    conver453 Guest

    vga to hdmi is possible by this conversion box
  18. E_Zmoke

    E_Zmoke Guest

    Thank you Moderator for Deleting all this Spam, so far I think The Graphics Card w HDMI output on back of card is best scenario...is it really the way to go ?? Can anyone tell me please without putting up spam and trying to get me to buy their junk >? I really just would like to hook up my Comp to my TV and have it look good. I understand it isn't going to Transmit in full 1080P
  19. taltamir

    taltamir Guest

    I already replied. Through much research I found out that the only PROPER way to connect a video card to an HDTV is in one of two manners:
    1. Have a DVI input on HDTV for DVI output from the computer.
    2. Get a video card from at least the last two generations (geforce 8 or geforce 7600 or higher, 7300 does NOT have it. Also newer ATI cards have that aswell). All those video cards have a special "HDTV" port which LOOKS like S-Video at a glance but has DIFFERENT pins. You plug in a splitter that splits it into Component out.

    Many experts actually claim that despite component being analogue it is actually of superior quality to DVI and HDMI! Due to many reasons such as the fact that DVI and HDMI transfer a "digital signal" in an analogue manner, without error correction or detection (CRC, TCP/IP, etc, etc. Nothing is used), with possible copy protection, and with lossy conversion between one digital format to another. Resulting in potentially inferior quality to that of component, while generating a lot of marketing buzz.

    For example, the max length of a DVI/hdmi cable before corruption is noticed is usually 10 feet, while component can go for 100 - 150 ft. And optical audio... well... better.
  20. trifecor

    trifecor Guest

    Ok. I'm slightly confused. My new HDTV has a VGA port, but my computer has no VGA port. Wow I cant remember what it's called. Instead of being blue, the tip of the cables are white. DVI maybe? Well, whatever it is, my TV only has VGA. I was kind of amazed that my PC had not VGA but i'm not reall that amazed. I have a 8800gfx with 2 DVIs (as far as I know). Is there anyway I can connect my PC to the HDTV?

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