Neph's POLITE Gun Debate

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Nephilim, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. michelle9

    michelle9 Member

    May 7, 2004
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    gerry1, you've totally hit upon a pet peeve of mine. The word "hero" is used most inappropriately these days. for example, while I have sympathy for anyone who's lost a loved one, I never did get calling the victims of the 9/11 tragedy heroes. The passengers that crashed the plane they were on before it could be used as a weapon to take others down with them were heroes. The fire fighters and rescuers who knew what they were facing and went ahead anyway with their efforts were heroic. Well, that is only my opinion anyway. Danny Dietz held off the enemy so that the rest of his team could make their escape. I would deem that to be a hero. As usual the government distorts what is, they try to make heroes of those who aren't and ignore those who blatantly are, go figure. I mean, just how stupid do you have to be to work in government?
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    not stupid, but devious and cunning towards whatever end you desire.

    as much as we like to think otherwise, the government is not concerned with the good of the minority, but only in the good of keeping what they have and gaining more over the rest of the populace.
  3. michelle9

    michelle9 Member

    May 7, 2004
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    Once again Auslander you are right on target. I believe that is their one and only agenda.
  4. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    such is the true function of government. best choice is to go to a country where the public still holds a semblance of power over the people they "allow" to govern them. we've got a king and his lords, here. the word "progress" has been thrown around a lot, especially with the school system, the war, etc etc, yet all i've seen would best be dubbed "regress."

    i'm moving to germany in about 3-5 years. from there, maybe canada, maybe england. not really sure. but i certainly don't want to be around for the complete fall of what was once the world's most envied nation.
  5. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    I'd think moving from a lite-socialist to a hardcore-socialist society would be a step backwards, Auslander. The U.S. certainly has its faults, and I'm not too fond of our Congress, but this still is a relatively free country in which you are a citizen, not a subject. I'm not sure where you live but consider the south or southwest. Now, if you lived in New Jersey or New York, then, yes, you have no freedom and will have your life micromanaged by government. But not all of the U.S. is like that, and, hopefully, never will be.
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    as to the south/southwest, all i have to say is look where the president comes from. the prime factor in deciding where i will live is the overall amount of social stupidity. our economy is going to hell, our school system gets worse every single day, we're lawsuit-happy, obese, self-righteous, hypocritical, and condescending as an entire nation. *especially* in the "free-er" areas, we don't give a damn about the environment, the good of the common man, or global-well being, just that we're "top dog".

    there's not much more i can take, to be honest. i love the values this country stands for (which makes me a patriot), but i'm certainly not fanatically devoted to this country (unlike nationalists i know). i'm going to stop participating in this part of the discussion, though, as it's headed in the political direction and that won't make any AD mod or admin happy.

    for a socety to work with the immense amount of personal freedoms that we are given as citizens, *everyone* has to have a social conscience and general morality. that's dying here, and has been for years as our nation has declined. unless people wake the hell up, we'll do ourselves in. we continually lower standards and practice political correctness, wanting everyone to feel successful and happy, yet turn around and demand that for them to feel happy, they have to buy into a materialistic world of fads, brainwash marketing, sexual overdose, and thoughtless living. our strategies, as a society, are self-destructive enough to cause the collapse of a nation of hundreds of millions of supposedly well-educated and humane people. we've had our immense success, we've run the world, we've become rich beyond normal comprehension, and now we fill our lives with abuses of all natures and leave our will to continue to work to keep our dreams live behind. our own Romulus Augustulus, if not already in power, will soon come. we are but another rome, yet no one wants to admit it.

    neph, i'm sorry for that little speech and dragging your thread further off topic.

    what do you guys think of the franchi spas-12?
    i'd like to get my hands on one.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2007
  7. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    All I'm saying is it could be worse. And if you're fond of freedom and want to be able to make a difference as an individual, you are better off here than anywhere else. And I'll leave it at that.

    The SPAS-12 is a good gun, and very comfortable and even rather ergonomic compared to most shotguns. It's really how a shotgun ought to be. But it's also considered a Destructive Device, courtesy of the last president. If you can have one where you live at all, you would have to jump through all the same paperwork and Federal and State restrictions you would have to with a machine gun, even though the SPAS-12 is functionally no different than, say, a Remington 1187.
  8. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    one day, i hope that the rules against political debate on here are repealed, as i think we've shown a civil discussion is possible. a few bad members ruin it all, though. :-(

    after doing a little reading, the only downside of the SPAS that i've found is that it's a bit complicated, heavy, and expensive. but i'd trade all that for excellent service in a heartbeat.

    on a side note, the first time i saw that shotgun was in the movie Terminator. it sure was beautiful. ^.~
  9. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    As good as the SPAS-12 is I like the Benelli M4 much better :)

    A good shotgun is a must for any well rounded collection. As for pumps, I'm partial to the Winchester 1300 Defender model myself. They've a real slick action and are a bit lighter than the excellent Remington 87.

    As for moving, try finding our level of freedom to own firearms anywhere else in the world - you won't. Not anywhere in Europe, not Canada, not Australia, not anywhere. I'm sure you can have all the guns you want in somewhere like Mogadishu but are things so bad here that Somalia looks like a great place to live? It's easy to get lost in pessimism about the state of affairs here but sit and watch the episode of National Geographic Explorer they did in North Korea and you'll probably change your mind.

    I'm not trying to pick on you in particular Aus but I hear too many younger folk simply saying "F*ck this country, it's going down the toilet so I'm moving". Attitudes like that really disturb me. To me that attitude is akin to facing all the people that have given their lives for our country and telling them "Thanks for dying and all but hey, I'm apathetic and truly don't appreciate the fact that you gave your life to protect the amazing country I was born in. I've personally never known war, hunger or oppression thanks to you but you know, I just don't like some of the idiots in government even though I have the power to change things (thanks again to you) I'm going to just say 'fusk it' and move to Germany where many of you died fighting against the war, hunger and oppression I've never known."

    Patriots are the ones who knuckle down and fight for what they believe our country should be. I was born an American and I will die an American IN America and I don't care who thinks what about me or my beloved country.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2007
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    I AGREE 110% Nephilim

    AND AS FOR THE POLITICS we don't need them in here for lots of reasons. matter of fact to many people have been posting a political response in lots of threads so i am going to start reporting more of them. since we all should follow the rules not just a few of us.

    BTW i think the SPAS-12 is pretty badass i use it when playing Ghost Recon alot lol
  11. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    Watch out for the backlash from the shootings at VT, just because some idiot was pi$$ed at his girlfriend. The anti-gun fools are going to run with this for all it's worth. We will loose all our rights, not just gun rights, if this keeps up. My thoughts and prayers with all the people at VT.
  12. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    so thats why poli talk is baned! LOL

    wonderfuly said!
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Firearms , Cars , Mack Trucks are Just Objects ! They Do not Kill In and Of themselves ! The Person Involved with the Gun , Car or Mack Truck is the Problem ! And more Gun Laws Are Not going to Change That ! The Criminals will Get Guns Even if The LAW ABIDING citizens Are Prohibited From owning them ! IF Illegal Aliens , CoCaine , Weed & Crystal MetH !!!! Can be Smuggled Wholesale into this Country You Don't ThinK they Can Smuggle Guns Too ? Laws are Like Padlocks ! They Just Keep The Honest People Honest ! The Dishonest people will Get a Hacksaw Or Some BoltCutters and get what they want anyway ! Also More people Are Killed By Cigarettes & and Medical MalpRactice every year Than By Guns !!!!!!!!! Maybe We Should Register Cigarettes ? And Doctors ? The Whole Gun issue Boils Down To If You Don't Like Guns Or are Scared Of Them Then Either Don't own Them !Or Marry a Cop! If You are Pro 2ncd amendmant & are Not Breaking any laws Then More power too you !
  14. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    BIGTOXY69, you forgot the baseball bat. A club is the most brutal weapon yet.
  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    First they have to find all the guns to actually get rid of them. Never gonna happen. They can't even find half the killers using them as it is! If you go to New Orleans without a gun, you are none too smart. It's a country unto itself, Third World.
  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Methinks doctors are registered though ;)
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest


    (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000

    (B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000

    (C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

    Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services.

    SO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Now think about this:


    (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.

    (Yes, that's 80 million..)


    (B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.


    (C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is


    Statistics courtesy of the FBI


    So, statistically, doctors are approximately

    9,000 times more deadly than gun owners.


    Now Let's Remember, "Guns don't kill people, DOCTORS do."




    > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;>>>>>>>>>>

    Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
    We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!
    Out of concern for the public at large, We have withheld the statistics on
    lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical
  18. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    So are guns, but nobody is trying to ban doctors.
  19. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    so i made my point lol ^^^^^^^^
  20. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    wow, heavy thread, i yike it.

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