I have an XBOX that does not have a working hard drive in it. XBOX does NOT have any kind of mod on it! I build an eeprom reader and got the eeprom.bin out of it. Now, what do I have to do next to make it work again? Please, help. Thank you all for your help!
you need xboxhdm1.9 and the m$ dash files. read all the tuts to find out where to get them. xboxhdm makes a linux live disk which with your eeprom.bin and a dash can build a harddrive for your xbox. xboxhdm has instructions with it. Chunkheads tuts are very useful and helpful to............hark at me, im a newbie to! im doing my first tomorrow. do read all you can on here there are other utils that will assist you on the way and the tuts are great. regards F3nri5
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/536595#3246424 This Guy has like the Best Tutorials and Help You Can find on ad or anywhere for that matter
thank you guys, call me stupid, but all I can find is how to upgrade or rebuild but the xbox need to be softmoded or hardmoded and I can't find anywhere what to do when there is no hard drive at all! If I put any CD in, it gives me error 7, because there is no hard drive, sorry... help, please!
The "How do I upgrade or rebuild my HDD?" one is the one you want. As long as you have the eeprom file you should be good.
also in your case you use your pc to run the live disk with your new HDD plugged in as well, the HDD goes back into the Xbox once your done, read read and read again the tuts are great. F3nri5
Yes, thank you. You are correct, when I read it, I didn't scroll enough. Thank you all for your help!