Linux Desktops (linux/unix only please) with system specs.

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by varnull, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    That reminds me, i need to hook up my Solaris machine again, Solaris 9 is currently on my trusty Dell GX-150 but i think Solaris would be better off on that old P3 450 i rebuilt yesterday with XP and Puppy.
    The GX-150 is a P3 1GHz (384MB RAM, a very usable amount) and would be better suited to another OS, not sure which one yet. Choices choices.
    Didn't know you could put Firefox or another on, i always fought with Netscape at work, oh the nighttime callouts to site when working in server room with no internet access other than Netscape on a Solaris 6/8 or 9 machine. Thousands of Netscape confirmation boxes that appear every 2 minutes ALWAYS offends :)
    That was before my firm banned and blocked internet access from the Unix servers, for some reason they felt that internet access was too much power for us geeks to have yet we were entrusted with unfettered administration and access of the entire company Unix infrastructure. Wierd.
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  2. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    hai guys this is my bfs lappy but its mostly mine > < im the linux freak
    he has his own fat desktop over there.
    I had a cute pic as our desktop but i rather leave it out yeh it was kind of personal. But hey i brought something better suoseiseki or more commonly known as the desu girl lulz i love that doll.
    any where here are my specs


    hp dv7-1135nr Windows Vista Ultimate Black Eternity Edition/Backtrack 4 x86-64 Dualboot
    AMD Turion X2 Dual core Mobile RM-70 2.00 GHz 6GB RAM PC2-6400 DDR2 Atheros AR5007
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Interesting to see BT running kde. not my fave desktop thing. I normally run fluxbox/rox on it for sleekness. .. ..kde is getting like gnome.. too many dependencies and I do worry about buried things from novell in the dependencies of it..
    Looks like a nice machine.. I guess BT for the wireless support? It must fly being a sleek os in all that ram.. do you dump the os into ram or run it from the hdd as normal?. with 6 gigs I would just shove the os in ram myself and watch it smoke fista off the planet XD
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2009
  4. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    yes bt has awesome wireless support for most cards (not atheros)only with this release bt is actually stepping up with madwifi.
    It was a hell to set up my wireless on this machine specially for a linux noob like me haha.
    I however managed fine but it sure was annoying having to go to my vista partition download files, come back to bt partition, attempt running them, fail go bakc and try again haha. also i joined for help seeing that << backtrack creators are extremely unfriendly towards noobs.
    Since you know most new bt users are wanna be hackers trying to get into their neighbors network. I use it because i know the net its not a safe place and i would like to protect myself from hackers by learning how they do it. sorry im extremely paranoid specially because i do stocktrading, all my banking and ebay in my vista partition. A real hacker is a linux hacker. anyway enough mumbo joombo yeah my bt flies i lov3 it its way faster than any windows, mac ive ever tried
  5. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    i believe it it is as you said places on RAM for this baby flies ^_^. i installed bt4 beta manually a couple of months ago now it came with a installer. I however don't understand something I obviously have a x64_x86.
    but when i press

    getconf LONG_BIT
    i get the number 32
    but it may be effectively detected differently.
    Heres a lil situation i encountered while setting my wireless connection on Windows my wifi card is detected as AR5007 but on bt it was detected as AR242x maybe backtrack 4 is just x32 or maybe it says that because i know that my vista partition is X64_86
    i apologize if im speaking nonsense sorry if i had to make a double comments i was gonna keep it simple on one post but mhe what gives thank you for your time have a great day
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I had a quick look because I'm not that familiar with BT .. and I can't find a 64 bit version .. I don't think the devs see the need as what it is designed for uses established 32 bit apps and maybe they think it would all be more hassle than it's worth.
  7. Hardball

    Hardball Regular member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    this is Ubuntu 8.04(Hardy) Nvidia graphics, and Gnome with the Crux theme this is my first taste of the Linux OS and im head over heels in love with it! its a learning curve but overall i have no stress like windows :( hopefully you guys think its pretty nifty!
  8. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    we cant see you pic mate >_<
  9. gorrik

    gorrik Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    Click here

    I hope the link for the pic works. This was my first time using Ubuntu. Im still learning all the tricks.

    Spec: xfx nforce 680i Lt SLi mobo, Intel Q6600 2.4ghz quad processor, 4gb of ram(installed inside XP only 2.7gb show), XFX 9600 gt vid. card, 320gb hd, and sony dvd burner.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Am tweaking all my laptops as i'd recently redone my (DD-WRT) routers (from WDS to Repeater mode) and as part of that i wanted to add a few laptops back into the Wifi mix. Here's what's become my main laptop, a Dell Latitude P4 2GHz with 512MB Ram. I'd been using Puppy 4.20 on it for ages and today noticed i hadn't updated it to 4.21 so just did that, though i took the screenshot just before the update ~
    This laptop's a dual-boot of TinyMe Test Release 6 and Puppy, have TinyMe and Puppy working nice and stably on wireless with a Belkin 125mbps PCMCIA adapter.


    The old version ( of Firefox included in 4.2.0 tended to hang a lot, think it was Flash related as Firefox locked up whenever i had loads of Sky News tabs open. But more annoying than that, the old version of Firefox was keeping the CPU fan on 100% whenever a few tabs were open, which was all day so something had to give.

    So yesterday i was googling as usual and stumbled across a Pet package of a snazzy newer version of Firefox that already has a few extensions included. (I don't usually bother adding my own extensions). This Pet package is actually rather nice, found it here ~

    ..i removed a couple of extensions i didn't want, tweaked a few settings and it's working a lot better than the old version. No 100% CPU anymore either. Bargain.


    Just need to get around to adding the extensions i want to my Windows machines with Firefox, i'd been using Opera as my main browser for quite a long time, and recently switched back to Firefox since it went to 3.x.

    Have a couple Toshiba Tecra 8100's to finish redoing Linux-wise, i've got one of them running Puppy 4.21, wifi is stable on a Belkin 54mbps PCMCIA card, couldn't be doing with fighting with the Atheros-chipset D-Link cards i've got. They work great in Windows but take a little more arsing about in Linux, can't be doing with 'em :)
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  11. varnull

    varnull Guest

    The atheros cards "shouldn't" be that much of a problem.. I would have a looksee which drivers sabayon runs them on.. they always work with that baby.

    Just one thing.. Whenever I install tiny-me every time I try to get full multimedia capabilities working the damn KDE dependencies morph it into pclinux.. which is way too heavy for the old dimension 560 celerons I want to set up for some local kids to surf and watch the odd film on.

    Any ideas on that annoyance?
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    That's the only thing i don't like about TinyMe, it's one of the main reasons why i've switched to Puppy lately is that virtually everything 'just works' from the initial install with hardly any input from me.

    Anyways, i do still like TinyMe but it has tendencies to morph as you've noticed, and i must admit i don't miss all that messing about with packages and more often than not, getting into dependency hell and everything breaks. So i put TinyMe back on this laptop purely for Frozen Bubble :)
    My favourite version of TinyMe is still Test Release 7, which is the version i've just reinstalled - BUT i'm not going anywhere near Synaptic other than for Frozen Bubble. Try and find Test Release 6, that's very good too. Can't remember if 6 plays silly beggars with dependencies though.
    However i've had no luck with 2008.0 and 2008.1, they just don't work properly at all, i must throw away the CD's for those.

    edit- Oooooh hang on, damn it - i've just remembered what buggers up the dependencies most in TinyMe - it's bloody Frozen Bubble, which requires Perl to be installed which nearly always trashes the dependencies.
    Ah well, i only want to use Puppy on here these days anyways :O

    Now Puppy on the other hand, is right up my street as all i had to install was Pidgin and Firefox, oh and Gimp. Tweak the desktop widgets how i want them. Done. No buggering about with anything else. Just how i like it...

    I've never been a fan of Atheros chipsets, i'm a Broadcom fanboy thru and thru.
    Back to Puppy, another example of how it all just works - fire up Pnethood or whatever it's called and it instantly finds the Quad Core machine on the network, it kindly lists all the shares and a couple clicks later i'm watching movies - zero installation crap from me. I just works..
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2009
  13. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Isn't it just so.. and nobody would have ever heard of puppy if I hadn't started plugging it..

    Please.. if you like it join their forums and give your feedback. be honest.. they NEVER rag an honest criticism or a report of something not working as expected.. but do remember.. with such a short release cycle some things will just wait for the next release ;)
  14. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    well its been a FUN summer, school starts next week, and i have a problem, both of my laptops (Dell Latitude D610 XP Pro S3 and my Hp dv7-1135nr)suffered hardware damage and are currently out of commission.
    i will eventually fix my dell and my hp had warranty and its gonna take a month to be sent get fixed and come back.
    In the mean time my bf got me this salvaged Dell inspiron 5100, i just ordered a charger and i will upgrade its ram to 1 full GB.
    anyway im pretty existed i love to make old lappys fly and ive been debating what distro i should use this time.
    my future specs are Dell Inspiron 5100 1GB PC2700 DDR RAM 40 GB Ram 2.4 GHZ Pentium 4 yahh i can have x64 architecture
    I have some in mind

    Scientific Linux 5.3 here

    Nubuntu 8.12 Instigating security here

    opensuse 11.4 << might be what im looken for reminds me lots of windows here

    and finally one made by fellow mexicans XD codenamed
    Jarro Negro 2.02 here

    please tell me what cha all think i will bring screen shots later. Im taking in consideration a couple of facts that will affect my decision.
    Wireless support
    and community support
  15. varnull

    varnull Guest

    AVOID SUSE LIKE THE PLAGUE.... seriously.. it's broken by design.. last one I installed was impossible (and I only tried it because it had support for the soundcard I was having problems with) .. loaded with Novell DRM.. ejected an audio cd instead of playing it.. no sound on media players.. corrupted EVERY mp3 I tried to play... and loads and loads of other nasty problems... It's packed full of M$ software patents and typical M$ restrictive tactics.. don't even bother downloading it.

    Laptop? .. stay mainstream or go small.. Mint or Puppy for lappys.. they are built for them XD

    Creakster.. check it out XD
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2009
  16. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Thanks. Never got around to googling for it. I have loads of live cd's around the place so i can just use of of those for Frozen Bubble - much easer, i think Knoppix has it for example
  17. iamroot

    iamroot Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    HP DV6700z
    Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit - "darkstar"
    AMD TK-57 Dual Core 1900 Mhz
    4 GB RAM
    256 MB Nvidia Graphics (I believe the 8800, not sure)
    Mainly used for... Everything! Haven't run M$ in years!
    Compiz works great!

    External /boot partition (usb drive)
    Luks 256 bit encrypted root, home, and swap (If interested I can write a tut.)

    Note: Had to compile and load linuxant (sound and modem) and rebuild the DSDT (suspend (works), hibernate (not working due to encryption scheme, however, worked prior to that))

    Not working 100%: Still have problems with the Memory Stick reader (need to recompile kernel) and internal microphone (hissing, no idea?)

    I love this rig!


    Screenshot isn't great, however, I love showing off Compiz!
  18. iamroot

    iamroot Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    EDIT: (Still haven't figured out the edit yet, sorry for the double post)

    For the Atheros cards, check out madwifi. Real simple to install and works great with WPA PSK and WEP.

    Hope this helps!
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    My main Puppy Linux machine (C2D E6400 - Win7/XP/Puppy triple boot) wasn't running an SMP kernel so found a 4.2 Puppy install with kernel included already so upgraded to that. Nice ~

  20. reloadSE

    reloadSE Regular member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    Wow Creaky, by looking at you're puppy desktop screenshot, you've just inspired me to use puppy again lol.

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