XBMC 200+ Movie Problem

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by NetRavenX, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. NetRavenX

    NetRavenX Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Okay so I made me a 500gb softmodded xbox a couple of years ago and it has been the hub of my media activities since then...

    I have been converting my dvd database into more manageable size AVI's and putting them onto my xbox for convenience (Plus Aeon theme on xbmc is the best thing in the world for choosing movies).
    So now that I am at the 260 movie mark (250gb of the 500gb full) I cant add anymore movies.... every time I ftp a new movie on there it gets all scrambled and fails to load.... I had tried reformatted my "F" drive thinking it was a fragmentation issue and after a week of re-uploading my movies back on there I now have the same problem.. . . any suggestions?
  2. sergiovv

    sergiovv Regular member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    i had 50 games on "G" and did not accept anymore games even though it has like 80 gb free

    but when i did choose to save the games in "F" instead of "G" it worked. if you have not tried . do it

    by the way .....does your xbmc youtube scripts still streams videos???

    mine doesnt do it anymore.
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    One of my xboxes has a 500GB drive and is used for movies, it usually has as little as 5GB free on both F and G. It was formatted correctly so doesn't suffer from corruption or 'disappearing file syndrome'. If a drive above 250GB isn't formatted with 32k clusters this is what happens. I still have one xbox with a 500GB drive that wasn't formatted correctly, it works fine, holds data intact as long as i don't exceed the 80GB'ish free limit. I must get around to sorting out this xbox.

    Back to the OP's problem, it sounds like the drive isn't formatted correctly (apart from the 500GB is only half full), or there's a problem with the FTP'ing of the files.
    I sometimes have some files corrupt (ie movies jumping and pixellating) intermittently, on the one xbox, FTP'ing them again solves the issue, however i've not yet found the underlying cause, but as i don't FTP stuff to this xbox often i'm not too bothered myself, especially as FTP'ing the same files again cures the pixellating and jumping. Wierd but hey, as long as it works.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  4. sergiovv

    sergiovv Regular member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    how do i get it formated correctly.???
  5. NetRavenX

    NetRavenX Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Well what I just ended up doing yesterday was just take it all apart, hot swap it to Ndure and reformat the hard drive and my "F" drive (http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/xbox-softmod/91300-reformatting-your-xbox-hdd-ndure-softmod-exploit.html).

    After that I decided to use a crossover cable to upload my movie database instead of going over my network (took 7hrs as oppose to 6 days!)

    I think my hard drive was fragmented from uploading/deleting movies for a couple years..... the first time I reformatted through UnleashX and uploaded through my network but that failed... this recent format was kinda a pain but I went flawlessly and as a plus I updated to the newest bleeding edge XBMC.

    ....as a side note I did encounter that disappearing file problem, after I moved my database into my xbox (Via crossover) I was putting my final touches on (Aeon skin with backdrops, emulators) and as I moved my movies to a folder called "Movies" so I could put my emulators in the "F" drive too they all disappeared!! that drive space was used up, they just were not there at all!! So after trippin out for a wile I used UnleashX's format and reformatted my "F" drive and 7hrs later was back in business........speaking of which I believe my movie information just finished........
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I think it's called Xbpartitioner
  7. NetRavenX

    NetRavenX Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Yeah I think I am going to format it that way, I got it all settled the way I did it but its still giving me some crap (Freezing, a couple movies wont start, at least one movie is scrambled)....so I will try again...
  8. Burnasty

    Burnasty Regular member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    You could always store everything on your pc and just stream what you want to watch. This is what I do. 1tb of movies and music streamed to my xbox from 2 different computers in seperate parts of the house as well as the comfort of knowing when something goes out in the xbox I don't have to worry about the drive being locked and losing the movies.
  9. NetRavenX

    NetRavenX Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I tried streaming it for a while but if I was doing anything else on my network it would cause my movies to stop or buffer..... I fixed my problem by formatted into 32bit clusters with Xbpartitioner (Thank you creaky I would not have figured it out without your suggestion!!) Now everything runs perfect! I wish I had another xbox laying around to mod...
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Good stuff re the formatting.
    As to the network problem there's obviously something very screwy going on there. I can hammer the hell out of my routers/switches (i often do, and that's also with the routers doing torrenting too so the routers themselves are always very busy) and am still able to stream movies perfectly around the network. Are you talking wireless streaming or ethernet ?, i always found wireless streaming to be hit and miss so i only stream over ethernet now.
  11. Burnasty

    Burnasty Regular member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Wired is the only way to go. You can pick up xbox's for $50 at game crazy, cheaper on craigslist. I have several simply because they are worth their weight in gold imo. They are so much more than game systems.

    updated typo
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  12. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I went the same route...
    My first Xbox I upgraded the HDD to a 500GB. Second one however, didn't bother to install the newer HDD, I just play the Video/music off the HDD connected to my PC via USB(same rationale, if something gets messed up, much easier to fix if you don't have to lock/unlock...). I didn't even get an enclosure, I had a IDE/SATA to USB cable that works just fine.

    Getting my stuff ready to do a third XBOX, trying to remember my steps, it's been a while...I have a question though- what is the improvement that the new XBMC brings(Bleeding Edge), vs. the Atlantis, the last "stable" version?
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I personally prefer stability over features/bug fixes where XBMC is concerned. Luckily i've never really suffered from many bugs by sticking to the versions of XBMC that are bundled in the Auto Installer Deluxe disk. It's nice having loads of media centres that 'just work' and keep working, living on the edge is great for most things but when i do sit still long enough to watch movies or a series it's to actually get away from the constant techie stuff :)
  14. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Haha, true enough, true enough Creaky:)!

    And as I am reading my your words of wisdom, I am off to mod my last Xbox(I was just looking to see if any updates to the AID, the games exploits or anything else available since I did my last install, but since everything works with no glitches, I'll just use my old stuff).Hopefully the USB stick is still functional...

  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Well it's the old saying, each to their own. I did download a T3CH build once but i couldn't get it to work and couldn't be bothered, had only downloaded it to see what the fuss was about. The changelog was blumming massive but i thought 'Nah'!. I've still got 3 spare xboxes, got no more space for any more at the moment.
    The only thing i've really done lately xbox-wise is (on the main xbox) finally got around to 'scanning for content' on the various shared folders ie the movie posters/boxart. It took hours to scan, don't know if that's due to the amount of movies (possibly!) or because the internet connection was *ahem* busy :)
    A lot of the boxart is wrong/foreign but i'm not fussed, it's just nice having loads of pretty pics at last.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  16. sergiovv

    sergiovv Regular member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    old xmbc build did not want to play youtube videos anymore and any other scripts with videos ,, new xbmc build did.

    also it has new skins great for those new tvs .

    other than that. same great as before.
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    a-ha, i'm glad you mentioned Youtube as i had meant to check for you if my youtube was working under Atlantis, can't remember which thread you'd asked it in though, must have been a week or few ago. Anyways, just fired up an xbox and it's accessing youtube fine, but not actually playing any of them. No biggie as i don't use Youtube anyway but it looks like you could be right about it being broken in Atlantis..
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  18. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Youtube streaming does work with the Atlantis build, you just have to update to the latest version of the Youtube script. The version that comes packed with XBMC I think it is Youtube3, the latest version of the script is Youtube 3.4. It is actually pretty nice, although the only scripts/plugins that I use are XM Radio or Hulu.


    So, I have moded my 3rd XBOX. Everything worked fine, except for my "memory". I forgot that the USB/controller dongle that I built(it's a 2 in 1 thing, used a sharp knife and some electrical tape) could only be used as a USB memory card or controller, one at a time, but not both at the same time. Took me a few minutes of messing with it;first I thought the connections were severed,although the controller part was responding, but not the USB. Then I learned that some XBOX DVD drives will not read CD-Rs? Didn't know, I thought my drive died on me right after I finished modding. I had an AID 4.2 disc, popped it in and was telling me the tray was empty. 10 minutes on Google, ripped the CD to an ISO and re-burned it to a DVD and all smooth sailing!

    I also found that XBMC can read movies/music...directly from the USB thinggie( as long as my senility does not kick in again and remember to unplug the controller part!). Now I just have to figure a way to get rid of all the cable cluttering and make all of them communicate if possible(right now I can only access each XBOX from PC and the PC from each XBOX, but not between each XBOX.
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I have goldfish memory, as sergiovv had already said (in the other thread re youtube not working) that he'd got his box working by installing a new youtube script. Doh!. Note to others - being a techie 24/7 (yes even in your sleep) makes you forget some things from time to time. The brain is a sponge but there's only so much info you can absorb before it leaks!.

    Installed and tested the script on the one xbox and it works, i'll roll out it around the xboxes shortly. Cheers guys (though i doubt i'll ever use it again LOL).

    edited to add link to sergiovv's thread ~ http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/751833/4554550
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009

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