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25gb Optical Quantum 100% success, 50gb optical quantum 100% fail, please help

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by TheFinn11, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. TheFinn11

    TheFinn11 Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Hi all,

    I have had 100% success rate, (100+ bd-r's)with Optical Quantum 25gb bd-r's. However, I just got into the bd-r dl mode so I can put a full season of a tv series onto 1 bd-r dl. I've ripped every episode of a season and converted it to blu ray format with Nero12 on my hard drive.

    I purchased the Optical Quantum 50gb bd-r dl's, thinking that because the 25gb bd-r's worked, the 50's should work. Well now I have 4 (out of the 10) coasters and am wary about trying the other 6.

    I've tried Nero12 burningROM which keeps giving me an error stating disc failed "Could not perform end of disc at once"

    I then tried the reliable IMGburn which had failed me for the 1st time with log stating "Failed to write sectors 32-63 - Reason: Error" It then Retried 20 times with "Reason: Invalid Address for Write"

    Is there something wrong with what I'm doing? Do I need to change any settings to get this to work? My drivers are all updated so it's not that.

    Thank you for your assistance, I appreciate it.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    update the firmware for the drive being you have no problem with the 25gig disk but do with the 50gig disk.
  3. TheFinn11

    TheFinn11 Member

    May 13, 2009
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    The problem is I have a Buffalo Mediastation running GGW-H20N, which I believe is an LG driver, with the latest update XJ04 and this last update was in January 2011. I think they have discontinued updating this firmware. Is there a workaround on this? Thank you for your response.

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