After I filtered a movie using VirtualDub, I want to extract its wav file, convert it to mp3 and get it back to my movie file - and so I will have a video with mp3 audio which probably will take less space on the HD. If you can please help me with that. thanks a lot,
First off, make sure that the audio in your file is indeed in WAV or PCM format. Once that is done, open the file with VirtualDub, and click [bold]File >> Save WAV[/bold]. Once that is done, go to this link: Scroll down to the section titled [bold]CDEx[/bold]. Follow the directions from then on, of course leaving out the part about video compression. Just set the video to Direct Stream Copy and save your new AVI.
thanks a million, I'll try that and ask more if needed. cheers, Edit: First prob; dor some reason I can't convert a wav I exported with VDub in CDex. It won't even give an error message. thanks again, _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Z@@lu [/small]