Any one interested in geting into carring personal information around with them I would recomend buying a used all Palm 3C or Palm 3xe. These can be bought for between $20 to $80 Canadian at a used PC or Pawn shop. There is tonnes of free software available and the device can almost be more powerful than a portable computer. This would be a good trial into seeing if the device is heavely used and if a newer model should be purchased.
The problem with carrying the personal information around with you is it can be stolen and hacked.Even if you could cancel all information on it.It can still be easy sold on like a mobile phone for someone else to use.However Prisoner you can read my palm for a fiver if you can tell me where i can make my fortune.
Only fiveer? If I tell you the right investments and how to make a fortune I want a cut. How about 40%? Send me a scan and I let you know. But seriously they are good for lots of reasons and you don't need too much personal stuff on it if you paranoid.
Hey man me again looks like we have got are own little thread going here mate.These palm things must be either yuh love them or hate them.Either way not for me as you could fit all my personal info in a match box and still have space. Thanks John179
I guess that makes me the pro and you the con in this matter. Odd that no one else is here yet. Palms are good more people should use them.