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Backing up Lord of the Rings help....

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by rubberman, Nov 4, 2002.

  1. rubberman

    rubberman Regular member

    Nov 4, 2002
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    Trying to back up this DVD. It comes with 2 discs (disc1 is the movies and disc2 is the extras). I used DVD Decrypter and selected 'movie only'. It hilighted the files and copied them to my VIDEO_TS folder. The guide i am using says to open IFOedit and run VOBextra on the VIDEO_TS folder. Do i need run IFOedit or can i just burn the VIDEO_TS folder w/o IFOedit? Can Primo burn this folder? people say they use Nero but i dont have that program. thanks.
  2. menmaddi

    menmaddi Regular member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    Once you rip the files to your hd you will need to use Ifoedit inorder to make the DVD-R playable in your set top box. Even if the files require no editing.

    You can use Primo to burn the VIDEO_TS file, although, you can also use Imgtool and Ifoedit to create an image and then use DVDdecrypter to burn. You can also use Nero. Download a free 30 day trial here.
  3. rubberman

    rubberman Regular member

    Nov 4, 2002
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    I tried using IFOedit and get error messages. I open DVD decrypter and select 'movie only'. It hilights the needed files and saves to my VIDEO_TS folder. I open IFOedit and select the VIDEO_TS folder. I hit dvd play but get error messages. AFter running DVDextras, the size really doesnt decrease. Still at 6 gigs.
  4. menmaddi

    menmaddi Regular member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    That movie is large. You'll probably want to split it to 2 discs. You will lose serious quality if you choose to reencode it.

    I have had the same problem on occasion with DVDplay in Ifoedit. I just use another player to check which titles are played.
  5. DVDPlanet

    DVDPlanet Guest


    I have splitted this Lord of the Ring, into 2-DVDRs and keep all the Menu and all extras. Remember, this movie is over 2 hrs long so you will have to split it into 2-DVDRs, I would never encode it, because you will lost quality plus your PC 733Mhz will take a long time to encode. Why not just split it. If you don't know how to split, I'm sure there are many guides out there. If you can't follow any of those guides then I would recommend checking my guides out. The Easiest Ever Made DVD Guides

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