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Which mod chip is best?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Savage2, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Savage2

    Savage2 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    I am looking to purchase a mod chip but im not sure which is best for my intentions. I want to install Evox and Gentoox with WineX or cedega so I can atleast attempt to play some of my favorite windows games. Keep in mind that even though I have plenty of programming and software experience, I am lacking in hardware and soldering isn't one of my strong point neither, so i would like to avoid it if at all possable. I would appreciate any replies, even if they are purely theorized and have no ground.
  2. Savage2

    Savage2 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    By the way, I have been hearing rumors of actually upgrading the processor speed of your xbox, is this true and if so how is it done? I personally believe it to be impossable. I just thought i would ask even if it does sound silly.
  3. scottas

    scottas Guest

    I'd go with an executer chip with the new xapter solderless adapter. Available here among others http://www.modchipman.com/catalog/default.php
    And you can upgrade the processor, but it requires replacing the existing one. Not much fun for an install.
  4. Savage2

    Savage2 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Interesting, any online instruction for installing an xbox processor? thanks for the mod chip recommendation also.
  5. Savage2

    Savage2 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    What would you say about the x-chip, have you ever witnessed that mod chip in action? i heard it was supposed to be the newest and best. I'm gonna read up on the xecutioner. thanks again.
  6. Savage2

    Savage2 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Does the xecuter support bios flash and evox?
  7. scottas

    scottas Guest

    xecuter has very good online install guides. It totally supports all bios (they created most of them) and just about all dashes. The 2.3 lite is a great chip and will do everything you need. Look on their site for more info http://www.teamxecuter.com/index.php they also have links to authorized resellers.
  8. hatsuo

    hatsuo Guest

    hello everyone i want to know what i should buy to make my xbox play burn cd and games and dvd also what software do i need to burn the xbox games
  9. rmurrar

    rmurrar Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    Choosing an Xbox mod chip to mod your xbox console is one of the most important decisions you will make during your xbox hacking experience. The xbox mod chip is the brain of the xbox hacking operation. Without it, your xbox console won’t be able to do anything special. There are quite a few different xbox mod chip options, and they each have important distinctions. However, what it all comes down to is that by installing an xbox mod chip, you are tricking your xbox into allowing you to run “un-signed code” – A.K.A.: code that Microsoft has not authorized.
    Xbox mod chips allow you to run unsigned code by overriding the default Microsoft BIOS that comes with your Xbox when you purchased it. Just so we’re clear, a BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is the program that starts up your Xbox and communicates between the devices in the xbox such as the hard drive and graphics card. The BIOS is extremely important to your Xbox system. An xbox mod chip replaces the default Microsoft BIOS with its own hacked BIOS. The hacked BIOS will allow you to run unauthorized programs.


    The xbox mod chip industry has evolved very quickly. The first “commercial” mod chips were released around May, 2002. These were the Enigmah and the Xtender. The good thing about these chips was that they allowed xbox hackers to play import games, xbox backups, run unsigned code, turn off Macrovision (copy protection) and do a host of other things. The bad news was that these original xbox mod chips had 29 wires, were fairly tedious to install, and were not (flash) upgradeable.
    The next major advancement came around August 2002 when the original X-ecuter xbox mod chip was released. Although the x-ecuter mod chip offered no flash upgrade option, it reduced the number of wires required for installation to just one wire, plus 9 simple solder points to connect the actual modchip to the xbox board. This modchip was significantly easier to install than previous xbox modchips. People with no soldering experience could successfully install an X-ecuter mod chip. In addition to the features of the earlier modchips, the X-ecuter also allowed xbox modders to upgrade the standard Xbox HDD to 120+ gigs. This was a major advancement as it allowed modders to backup large volumes of their games and other Xbox programs to the actual Xbox HDD.

    All of these first generation xbox mod chips were shipped with their own hacked BIOS to override the default Microsoft BIOS when the modchips were installed.

    Around the same time the original X-ecuter mod chip was released, Microsoft threw a wrench in the xbox mod chip world by releasing a new version of the Xbox. This new xbox was named the Xbox version 1.1. Unfortunately, none of the original xbox mod chips (including the recently released X-ecuter) were able to modify the version 1.1 xbox successfully. However, within two weeks the v1.1 xbox had been cracked, and the code was available.

    By September 2002 a new xbox mod chip hit the market. This new mod chip was called the “Matrix” mod chip. The Matrix was designed by a company called Xodus. The Matrix mod chip set a new standard because it was fully flash upgradeable AND it required no soldering during installation. Because it was flash upgradeable, this meant that the latest hacked xbox BIOS could be programmed onto the Matrix mod chip. This allowed for modification of a version 1.1 Xbox. It also meant that xbox enthusiasts interested in modding their xbox who were previously scared to do any soldering would have the option of installing a mod chip that simply clipped into place. Although this sounds like the ultimate xbox mod chip, there were (and still are) some complications with the Matrix mod chip. For starters it only shipped with a maximum 256K flash size. This has become a problem since the latest xbox mod chips (discussed below) have started to incorporate BIOS’s larger than 256k. Another problem was that the matrix mod chip did not come with a pre-flashed xbox BIOS installed. This meant that if you bought a Matrix mod chip, you had to find and install a BIOS yourself. Also, because the Matrix mod chip did not require soldering, there were frequent reports of the chip becoming dislodged. However, the biggest problem was that the Matrix manufacturer had a horrible distribution model. The Matrix mod chip was sold exclusively through a company called Easybuy2000. I read a lot of reviews from unhappy Easybuy2000 customers who bought a matrix modchip and didn’t receive it for weeks (or months), if ever. Also, from what I understand, all of the Matrix mod chip resellers had to purchase their inventory through Easybuy2000. This made the supply of Matrix mod chips problematic. For this reason, I would not recommend purchasing a Matrix mod chip from Easybuy2000.

    Fortunately, the X-ecuter team released its newest mod chips in January, 2003. These chips are called “X-ecuter 2” mod chips and are available in two flavors. The first is an X-ecuter 2 LITE. The second is the X-ecuter 2 PRO. Both LITE and PRO mod chips are flash upgradeable and both mod chips can be installed without soldering by using an optional pogo pin adapter. Both chips are also capable of modifying a v1.1 Xbox.

    The biggest difference between the LITE and the PRO is that the LITE includes a pre-installed BIOS when you purchase it and the PRO does not. Additionally, the PRO version supports more features associated with BIOS flashing. However, the BEST feature of the X-ecuter mod chips is that the manufacturer (Team X-ecuter) also writes its own BIOS. This means that when you purchase an X-ecuter 2 mod chip, you’re getting a mod chip that includes a BIOS written by the same company that engineered the chip. This is a major advantage of the X-ecuter 2 mod chips over Matrix mod chips and others. Another major advantage is that both versions of the X-ecuter 2 ship with 1MB of memory versus only 256k on the Matrix mod chip. This is an important consideration because as the Xbox hacking scene develops, BIOS sizes will increase. The X-ecuter mod chips offer an additional layer of “future-proofing”. Also, the distribution model for the X-ecuter is much better. Essentially, individual X-ecuter resellers purchase their X-ecuter modchips directly from the manufacturer. This means that there are a lot of places where you can purchase an X-ecuter 2 mod chip. The supply and support of X-ecuter mod chips is superior to the Matrix mod chip.

    [bold]Xbox Mod Chip Options[/bold]

    There are many older xbox mod chips: Xtender, EnigmahX, OpenXbox (PC-BioXX), and several others. You probably don’t want one of these older chips. The older modchips are more difficult to install, and don’t have the advanced features or support of the newer mod chips. There are only two brands of modern xbox mod chips: X-ecuter and Matrix. These mod chips are shipped in two forms: with BIOS and without BIOS.

    [bold]With BIOS[/bold]
    The X-ecuter v1.0 xbox mod chip and the X-ecuter 2 LITE modchips both ship with a BIOS pre-installed on the modchips. This means that when you receive either of these chips, you won’t have to worry about flashing either of these modchips with a BIOS such as the X-ecuter BIOS or EvolutionX BIOS (not to be confused with the EvolutionX dashboard discussed here). You can just install these mod chips, and your xbox will be modified.

    The x-ecuter v1.0 mod chip is older and will only modify an xbox v1.0 console (manufactured before August 2002). The X-ecuter 2 LITE will modify either an xbox v1.0 or v1.1 console. The X-ecuter 2 LITE is also flash upgradeable, and the X-ecuter v1.0 is not. Also, both the X-ecuter v1.0 and the X-ecuter 2 LITE can be connected to the xbox by simple soldering. However, if you don’t want to solder there is an optional pogo pin adapter for the X-ecuter 2 LITE.

    [bold]Without BIOS[/bold]
    The two types of Xbox mod chip available without BIOS are the Matrix and the X-ecuter 2 PRO. These mod chips require a BIOS be installed (flashed) to the chip before the modchips will function. To most xbox modders, these chips are actually preferable because there is increased support for upgrades. There are currently two major Xbox BIOS developers: X-ecuter and Evolution-X. A BIOS from one of these developers must be flashed to your Matrix or X-ecuter 2 PRO mod chip before your mod chip will function properly.

    The Matrix mod chip was released in September 2002. The Matrix mod chip is flash upgradeable. However, it only supports a maximum of 256k. There is a strong possibility that within 6 months, the Xbox BIOS will actually be larger than 256k, and thus a Matrix mod chip will be useless. To compensate for this, the Matrix manufacturer (Xodus) has created an add-on called the “Chameleon”. This is a 1-meg adapter to the Matrix mod chip. This should allow the Matrix mod chip to support future xbox BIOS’s, but so far the adapter is untested. The Matrix mod chip is easy to install since it uses pogo pins. However, it is much more difficult to install on an xbox v1.1 than a v1.0 due to the configuration of the new xbox. Also, some modders actually prefer to solder their chips into place, and the Matrix xbox mod chip does not support this option. Perhaps the biggest problem with the Matrix Xbox mod chip is its only authorized distributor, Easybuy2000.com. This company has received quite a bit of bad publicity in the xbox scene for being unable to supply promised xbox mod chips to customers. Additionally, Easybuy2000 was recently busted by Canadian investigators for selling DirecTV hacking equipment. This has caused quite a few problems for the Matrix mod chip team, and the future is uncertain. Some mod chip experts speculate that Easybuy2000 actually funded the Matrix mod chip project, and when Easybuy2000 goes down, so goes the product. This rumor is unconfirmed.

    The X-ecuter 2 PRO is the latest and greatest xbox mod chip to hit the scene (Released Feb. 2003). It is fully flash upgradeable and supports 1 meg memory (as opposed to only 256k on the Matrix). The X-ecuter 2 PRO has a wire adapter than can be soldered onto the Xbox or installed with an optional pogo pin adapter that requires no soldering. This is a cool option because those who prefer to solder can do so, and modders who prefer not to solder are not required to. Another cool feature of the X-ecuter 2 PRO is that it comes with an external on/off switch. This is perfect for using Xbox Live (more info on xbox mod chips and xbox live here). Perhaps the biggest advantage of the X-ecuter 2 PRO is that its developer (Team X-ecuter) also codes its own proprietary software. This means that you can mod your xbox console with a mod chip and a BIOS developed by the same company, whereas with the Matrix, you would have to use a BIOS developed by a 3rd party (such as Evolution-X). Also, the X-ecuter distribution model is much better, since all resellers purchase their chips directly from the manufacturer.

    [bold]Conclusion / Recommendations[/bold]
    Both the Matrix and Xbox mod chips have the capability to successfully modify your Xbox. However, I recommend the X-ecuter 2 PRO. This is the mod chip that I have installed in my own system. The x-ecuter 2 PRO is the chip with the most support, and it is the chip that is most likely to withstand future mod chip deterrence features by Microsoft since team X-ecuter not only engineered the mod chip, but it also writes the software that the mod chip uses. This mod chip offers two installation options (solder/no solder) and an external on/off switch for built in xbox live compatibility. The X-ecuter 2 PRO is also easier to purchase on the Internet since there are more resellers.

  10. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    boy you sure go bla bla bla bla
    i think the best chip is allready soldered to my xbox motherboard by m$
    you dont need to buy a chip when you can reflash the onboard tsop for free in 20 minutes
  11. lanacox

    lanacox Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    can you please tell me how to flash the ms bios and where to get the flash from if its at all posible to do my xbox ive had the xbox from launch so i guess its a v1.0 and ive been looking at mod chips all i want to do is be able to watch any dvd copy or new import or export region 1,2,3,4,5,6 or what ever regions there is also back up games to my hard drive and use it for gaming realy as its a second xbox i use my other for online play i aint in to all the other modding aspecs as i dont need to turn it into a pc as ive got one of those for that thanks
    p.s isnt the xbox bios a read only chip so it carnt be flashed ???
    cheers for the help guys
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2004
  12. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    not read only but the two flash enable points must be connected
    you can connect them a few ways, solder (my preferance)
    a conductive pen (used for auto window defrost repair)
    and i believe there is another way also
    there is a couple of tricks tho such as take a pin and lightly scratch the points the board seems to have a light coating on it then put a bit of solder on your 15 watt solder tip and touch and pull away to kind of drag the bit of solder off onto the points
    before you solder anything you need to put a file on the memory card the easiset way is to ftp it into a modded box then save . take to the box to be modded and save to harddrive this file is a game save for the game 007 agent under fire once the game save is in the box to be modded then you can connect the points
    after points are connected all you have to do is start the game and load mission (game save) this will automatically flash your box ...now you are modded
    here are some tutorials for tsop flashing
    this is the one i used for my 1.0 box
    but there is a new oo7 with raincoat so you dont have to anything past starting the game and loading mission anymore no more telnet!
    you also need to use a older version of the game ,not platium version
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]don't kick'm , hit'm


    intel d875,p4-2600,dvd+/-,dvd rom,geforce5700ultra,
    **xbox1,tsopflash,max120 **xbox2,tsopflash,max160[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2004
  13. lanacox

    lanacox Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    cheers for your help and advice
    ive been looking arround and it looks like i need the save file from a moded xbox and also some people say you can do this with splinter cell saves but most say the 007 can anyone recomend a reliable source to acuire these saves with the files attached to them surley some one must put them out there in a depths of the net that isnt malicious code also do i need a old version of evox or can i use a new version or other software like evox
    cheers lana
  14. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    the file you need is "007_With_Evox_Installer_PLUS.rar" at #xbins
    guide for #xbins plus you will need flash fxp and mirc
    get them at download.com trial version is free
    at #xbins the file is located at


    download this and in this when you unpack it there is a file called 4541000d transfer it to modded box under
    e/udata/454100d in the xbox now you can select 007auf
    copy game save from xbox harddrive to memory card

    download slayer autoinstaller it will have everything on it evox included, info for it is at xbins also

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]don't kick'm , hit'm


    intel d875,p4-2600,dvd+/-,dvd rom,geforce5700ultra,
    **xbox1,tsopflash,max120 **xbox2,tsopflash,max160[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2004
  15. lanacox

    lanacox Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    thanks for that

    now ive downloaded all the software from mirc and also there was a splintercell file with the evox install hopefully this is the same a s the 007 one as i have splinter cell i thought it would be easyer to use this save if not ive got the 007 save file just need the game aswell now im just having trouble transfering the file to my mem card ive made a usb adaper for the xbox pad but still no joy in accessing the memory card to transfer the files
    the pc pics up a device but not the memcard i even found driver for the pad and card but still no joy now have i gone down the wrong road trying to make this adapter as i carnt seem to be able to send the file anyother way
    i tried ftp but then found out from the net you can only ftp once evox is on the xbox can you please say what im doing wrong thanks for the help

  16. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    do you know anyone with a modded box?
    if not i'm not sure if there is a way keep search'n
    i will search and try to find a solution also
    i don't even play with my 3 modded xbox's jammed with games, maybe an hour a week , i have more fun trying to figure this stuff out .
    good luck i'll let you know my findings
  17. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    this is what i found
    copy it to your xbox HD (via action replay, mega-x-key or modded xbox+mem card)
    do a search on action replay here and at xbox-scene
    good luck and happy reading!!
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]don't kick'm , hit'm


    intel d875,p4-2600,dvd+/-,dvd rom,geforce5700ultra,
    **xbox1,tsopflash,max120 **xbox2,tsopflash,max160[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2004
  18. frednliz

    frednliz Member

    May 13, 2004
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    Hi Guys,

    What MOD can I use to install on my Xbox that will allow me to load both XBOX and PS2 games?
  19. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    ATIROCKS Regular member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    It is possible to upgrade the xbox processor to, i think it a 1.4ghz, but it doesnt make loading games any faster, as the games are programmed to run at 733 mhz. Though it would be great for LAN parties.

    p.s: in fact, the memory can be upgraded to 25g unified memory! Then again, gaming would still be the same.

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