I'm noticing that some DVD movies aren't regonized by DVD burners but plain pc DVD players regonize them. Has anyone experience this problem? When I put the movie in, DVD+RW drive doesn't even know the movie is there. The drive doesn't read at all. Everything's fine if I put it in the DVD player.
Are we talking about originals/imports or burned dvds here? what dvd burner have you got? I have no problems reading dvds in my dvd+rw burner..
original dvd. i use a TDK dvd+rw burner by the way. i brought my dvd to my relative's pc and tried it. his dvd+-rw also doesn't regonize it. but regular dvd player does. i think his dvd writer is lite-on. i'm not sure about the regular dvd player. this is very rare. my drive's been able to read almost all dvd movies.
could be a region problem, are these dvds from your own region? some drives wont read the dvd if its from another region.
yeah they're 100% us region dvds. my jvc standalone dvd player can play without any problem. when it comes to dvd writer drive, it's having such a hard time reading. very odd...
Very odd indeed? could it be your laser? I cant see why your drive is having problems reading an original DVD, is this with all dvds or just certain dvds?