I have found a way to get synchronised video when they are converted to DivX / DVD. If it has answered before, please delete it, as I just searched the forums and it seems many people are having this problem: Improper VBR Audio means that obviously, the audio stream is an mp3, with variable bitrate. To come around this problem all you have to do is simply: 1. Open up Virtual Dub, then your AVI. Click OK for that inconstant VBR audio thing. 2. Now go to Audio, and select Full Processing Mode. 3. Go to Compression. Now select AC-3 ACM Decompressor 4. Go to File > Excract Wav. 5. This will take about 1 minute to extract. It extracts to 1GB. 6. Now when you encode your file to mpg, (suggesting you are using tmpg) Just select the video file as the normal AVI, and then select the audio file as the uncompressed WAV. **NOT the same as the avi file** This should solve the syncro problems. I have done this to 4 AVIs with the VBR problem, and all have been in sync. Enjoy.
What about if you just want to view it as an avi file. Would it still be necessary to encode it to mpeg and convert it back to avi or can you get around this?
viewing is different - it will be in sync if you view it. When you encode it, you have to follow that procedure if you want an in sync mpeg/dvd/vcd file...
sorry perhaps I should have been a bit more clearer. I want to view it on disc as an avi file and not a pc since I have a divx dvd player through which I can do so.I didn't expect it to be as complicated as it seems. I thought perhaps I could somehow extract the audio and video separately and multiplex them in Virtualdub using Full Processing as a new synched avi file. Any other ideas?
or....u could use a modification of VirtualDub and not have to deal with all that! Try NanDub - thus is why it has a 16th note and a smile on the icon
I have solved it now & it is no longer out of synch on disc to do this I had to extract the .wav and use full processing, unlike direct stream as I did the first time lol, and that way I was able to merge the audio and video and save as an avi file.
I did all of the above but the lip synch is still way behind the sound, the xvid file itself is fine, it's when it's been converted etc that it does this.