Is it just me or has there recently been an explosion of threads that serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever? I am of course talking about the "Safety valve" area. I was under the impression that the Safety Valve was an area to "blow ones lid - to avoid physical violence" etc etc. It just seems to me, to be a dumping ground for "Idle banter" and "General Bullshit" I suggest a dedicated area "Idle banter & General Bullshit" where anyone can just post to their hearts content. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] Jacques & Martin's Blue & White Army.[/small]
brian100 Well actually the "Which transcoder produces the best picture quality" is the thread with idle banter. brian, I think you've been doing forums for too long because I can't think of anything else that would convince you that there is a possibility of physical contact. If you'd like I'll piss you off and then we can go blow some steam. LOL _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."[/small]
i vaguely remember the post requesting a safety valve. and if i remember correctly it's purpose was for a place to post about whatever you wanted. a place to relax and shoot the shit. a place to get away from all the technical babble of the other forums.
Yeah, Brian 100 you moron, idiot, ego maniac That aught to give him something to blow off steam about, eh? he,he,he. For those you who don't realize it - I'm just kiddding
brian How can you go wrong with these caring people ready to give up their extra time just to piss you off. It warms the heart just to think about it. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."[/small]
Sophocles. oh blimmey matey..guess it's bash Brian100 time again. Bring it on fellas I like a bit of punishment & pain on occasions.
brian100... I wasn't trying to "bash" your idea. I was just stating what I thought was the reasoning behind the safety valve. Besides, if you really want to find an area of banter and bullshit, pick a test thread.
Hmm! I thought we were supposed to piss you off. BTW brians favorite transcoder is DVDcopy2, I've tried to convince him to look at others but he's just not having it.
Thanks for the complimenton my sig brian100. They are actually playing well this season. Most people where I live are IU fans. I hate to ask for fear of sounding stupid but what does your sig mean? I googled and believe it or not the top few results were AD threads that you were in. The rest were only partial matches.
Brian's sig comes from Italy: If the CFL is Canadian Football League, why is the National Football League, by default, American? Why do the FCC and FAA think that they control Canadian televisions and aircraft too? Only recently did Canada wrestle back the .ca domain from California! Since Toronto is 1000km south of England, why is it not THEM freezin' their butts off in winter? So there you go; Canadians specialize in "Idle Banter" and Americans in "General Bullshit" LoL @ Brian - never heard of that soccer (oops) Football team...?
Ha this makes sense....theres me yattering on about the constant stream of idle banter & bullshit..then the next thing ..this thread has been moved into the very section i was having a "pop" at!!.. Me thinks I should just go with the flo (she's nice by the way..but I prefer her sister Annette!!).. Oh hum...let the "slaughtering beign"..Gum shield (check) Rubber underpants (Check)...anti Intervideo dvdcopy2 pills (check).. Edible thong (check)...
I paid the mods to move it just to piss you off(actually they refused payment because they were more than willing to piss you off). Serves you right for complaining about AD's most active section. If you would actually read through the threads, you could learn so much- like what Nephilim's favorite thong is. Try to embrace the evolution of AD. If you can't, then go cry over some tea and crumpets. BTW-J/K