Hey Guys. Just a few Q's. All I need to stream is the following: Phoenix2.3 PSO 1+2 Crossover cable BB Adapter Ok is that correct ? And how can I spot the difference between PSO1+2 and PSO1+2plus? There are plenty 2nd hand games stores beside me so if I can find out how to spot the difference between the games I may be able to get a few of them. If anyone needs one. Anything else ? Thanks guys
Yes, it's "all" u need... I assume you allready have a pc with networkcard and a gamecube, television,... =) For the proper PSO look at http://www.cdcovers.cc to find the right one. grtz
Yip yip ! Well the game arrived today . . . Checked the cdcover site. A woo hoo, tis the correct one Cost me a fiver! Now I know which one it is I'll keep an eye out. Does anyone need a copy ? LMAO at the eejits on eBay paying like £40. Fools Just waiting for my BB adapter to arrive. Any tips for when I get everything hooked up?