ftp:\\ftp2.bvrp.com/motorola Then click on the "mobilePhoneTools_2.21b_US-exe" file. Here is a link to the USB driver you'll need: http://www.motclub.com/html/drivers.htm
hi yes i donwload mobilePhoneTools_2.21b_US but it say {the installation program was unable to find on your PC a mobile phone tools previously installed version.} ???
Sorry about that. Download 1.23c first from here: http://www.motclub.com/html/programs.htm#mpt Then update that with the 2.21b program. I had not downloaded and installed it myself and didnt know it was just an update. Let me know how that works.
yes all work fine now i have one problem tho when i go to the Multimedia studio/Audio and it say Whitespace is not allowed at this location. and after that i cant see any filos on it i think it all start when i try to upload a mp3 but no sure tho any help there ?