I recently purchased an Athlong 64 3200+ PC. I wanted it to be pretty fast so I went with 1 gig of Cosair 3200 DDR 400 RAM, 10,000 RPM 36 gig hard drive along with Nvidia 5700 256 DDR RAM. I've been using it for several days now and I feel like it's not very fast at all. By the way, if anybody can tell me how to check my PC FSB, I'd appreciate it. I want to know if it's 1600 FSB or something else. Anyway, going back to my topic, this PC feels just a tad faster than my old PC I feel like. My old pc was 1.8 Pentium 4, 640 RDRAM 800, 20 gig 7200 RPM drive and 64 MB Nvidia video card. I really thought my new PC would so much faster than the old one. Anytime when a program loads, I hear a writing on hard drive loud. I read a long time ago that those writing noise are caused by the low ram. I have a gig. I don't understand it. I didn't hear HD writing noise with my old PC. Anybody got any take about this?
(IMO) I think Rambus is great ... expensive, but great I tried 2 Dell pc's once. 1) P4 2.4GHz, 512 MB Rambus PC 1066, 533 FSB and 2) P4 2.4GHz, 2GB PC 2100, 533 FSB And the Dell with Rambus was so much faster (IMO). Programs just seemed to run and load faster.
I agree with Flip. Rambus was the best RAM out there. I have excellent quality Corsair DDR RAM in this computer, but I think the Rambus in my backup computer, is faster.