Hello, I was just wondering if anyone has ever taken all the electronics out of an xbox and re-mounted them in another case (either PC or home-made)? I was wondering if there was anything that stopped someone from doing it. Any type of security stuff that inhibits it? I was thinking this would be a good way to get more drives in, or to have a HD switch or something. Also would help out with cooling. Thanks
ummm right im working on putting the xbox innerds in a cardboard box. I bet you could put it in a pc with easy. Ur only prob is you would have to buy a longer cord to power the cd rom drive. Other than that it couldnt be that hard. The power system could possibly give u some problems tho. If u want to see some pictures when im done email me at demagogue51@gmail.com
I have just done this. I will be writing a tutorial, and putting it on a few sites. But if you would like to see some pics go to my blog http://penn.textamerica.com.
Cool. I can't wait to hear how you did it. It looks nice. I think I see 2 hard drives inside? Is your Xbox running multiple HDs? If so, is it hard to setup? I was thinking of using something like a Treos (HD 3 way switch), and have the OS running on all three drives, just using it as a multiple boot.
haha no i just Tthink itd be cool to go to a friend's house and bring it. Itll look pretty nifty and I just think its an easier think to mod.