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Cant connect to my xbox via flash ftp

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Slic, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. Slic

    Slic Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    hi peeps i was jus looking at some of the messages in the forum and i have done evrything that has said to connect yo my xbox using flash fxp but it still doesnt let me my pc keeps saying connection failed i have changed default getaway to sam as pc i am connectiong us a router i used a ethernet cat 5 cable i get an ip but nothing happens can some one plz help me out.
  2. bahamut86

    bahamut86 Guest

    I had the same problem, i unistalled flash fxp, then i connected the xbox to my PC straight to the network card using a crossover cable try it that way it worked for me
  3. bahamut86

    bahamut86 Guest

    oh and then re-installed flash fxp
  4. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Do you know your Xbox's IP address? If you're using Evox Dash it should tell you the IP of your Xbox (you might wanna change the Evox skins around). Then using Cat5 cable and connect your Xbox to your router, and another Cat5 from PC to router. Open FlashFXP, on the popup connection screen, enter your Xbox's IP address in the "Server or URL" box, Port = 21, username and password are both = xbox. If that still doesn't solve your problem, check your cables.
  5. Slic

    Slic Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Hi i figured out a way to connect all i had to do is set the part in evox were it say use static ip to "NO" and boom i was in but the transfer rate is apauling 2kb/s is there any way i can increase that?
  6. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Check your cables, they may be broken. 2kb/s is not right, my average speed is 3.5mb/s.
  7. Pombaman

    Pombaman Member

    Nov 12, 2004
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    Hi folks

    the speed varies a bit, depending on your Harddisk, and connection.. i do have about 5.5 to 6 mb a second copying to my xbox, and 11 to 16 mb per second from my xbox to my pc.. And my switch and pc runs on 100 mbit..

    Best regards
  8. davepyne

    davepyne Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    if you're having speed problems try connecting your xbox directly to your PC with an xbox link cable (which is just a cross-over cable). Set your network connection on your PC to a specific IP like, and your xbox to Your xbox must be set to use static IP for this to work. If its still slow then at least you know its not your router. However a faulty IDE cable in your xbox could be causing a slowdown. I've had that happen once. big headeache, but once I figured it out, cheap and easy to fix.
    Good Luck
  9. Slic

    Slic Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    hey, cheers peeps i have sorted this speed problem out and i get around 2mb per sec and it works fine so thank for the help ;-0
  10. vigil2002

    vigil2002 Guest

    I'm running into the same problem
    i don't know what i'm doing wrong
    crossover cat 5 from pc to xbox
    default getaway :
    dns :
    flash xp failed to connect :
    connection timeout or something like that
    never connects to the xbox
    running Slayer's Evox

    please Help me out

  11. vigil2002

    vigil2002 Guest

    Also,, do i need a router?
    i was told i didn't and that is why i connect
    the xbox to the pc with a crossover cat 5
    but nothing happens...

    if anyone can walk a newbie through this process
    it would be greatly appreciated

  12. BreakZ

    BreakZ Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    I am haveing the same problem. The only thing i can think of is my cables say CAT 5e PATCH CABLE. Is that the same a CAT 5 ?
    Also Slic sayed:
    all i had to do is set the part in evox were it say use static ip to "NO" and boom i was in
    Were do I find this option? My evoX dosun't have it???
  13. vigil2002

    vigil2002 Guest

    i was able to do it all but for one day
    i accidentally uninstalled ther flash fxp program
    and when i reinstalled it ,,it says invalid argument
    please someone help me out
    what should i put on the pc's ip
    or the xbox's ip????
    currently i have
    firewall turned off
    what i'm i doing wrong???????

    please help

  14. vigil2002

    vigil2002 Guest

    this is what i get:
    WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004
    [L] Connecting to MY XBOX -> IP= PORT=21
    [L] Connection failed (10022: Invalid argument)
    [L] Delaying for 1 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
    [L] Connecting to MY XBOX -> IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
    [L] Connection failed (10022: Invalid argument)
    [L] Delaying for 1 seconds before reconnect attempt #2
    [L] Connecting to MY XBOX -> IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 2)

    someone please tell me what i did wrong!!!!!!!
  15. PBabble

    PBabble Guest

    I've just had a worse problem than you guys have had so far!

    First of all trying to connect the XBOX to Flash FXP was a problem to start with, until I put the right IP addresses in.
    Then as I was trying to transfer some video's onto my XB Media player, the hard drive was just silently grinding away like it was doing some work, but nothing seemed to be happening at all. Then bloody Norton 2005 came up with some stupid worm message. In the log it said:

    Details: Rule "Default Block Bla Trojan horse" blocked communication. Local address: All local network adapters (1042). Process name is "C:\Program Files\FlashFXP\flashfxp.exe"

    Flash FXP = Trojan?! WTF. I downloaded this off the official site. Note that I also wasn't connected to the internet. I'm sure Norton was trying to block any transfer communications.

    So from time to time it kept trying to block Flash FXP's doings. So I decided to go into Safe Mode with Networking, so Norton doesn't run at startup. Somehow FlashFXP didn't like Safe Mode too much and the browser didn't work, so no directory lists on either side although the XBOX did connect up.

    Going back into normal mode again, I realised I can turn off Norton's worm protection, but too late! Entered Flash FXP, connected up to the XBOX, logged in, but no directory list. Moments later I get List Error, and since then it's been happening all the time.

    Things I've tried:

    Rebooting the XBOX
    Un-installing Flash FXP and Re-installing.

    Everything on my XBOX still works fine, it just's connects without the damn list!

    I think Safe Mode with Networking totally messed up my Network or Flash FXP settings. Anything in the registry settings I should change? Like in Flash FXP you have a 30 day limit trial, but if you un-install and re-install, the trial period continues.

    What's wrong?! Any help would be really appreciated!

    I've got until Xmas Eve to transfer these vids for my family to watch, if I'm really screwed, does anyone know a really good XBOX ISO maker that doesn't corrupt half the files after burning?

    EDIT: Don't worry, I found using Webdrive is a much better alternative and it works just like Explorer. Transfering works too even with Norton's worm protection. Big thumbs up to this piece of kit!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2004
  16. Pombaman

    Pombaman Member

    Nov 12, 2004
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    Hi folks.
    I am not sure what to tell in these cases.. But as a beginning, you have to have the correct IP-Adress, port 21, and userid: XBOX, and Password: XBOX, (small or capital letters, i am really not sure)
    If you have some Antivirus or firewall turned on, on your Pc, turn it of..
    It should work this way.
    Let me know how it goes

  17. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    I use a second NIC and go in static. My NIC is a gigabit card and I use a crosswire....so there is no bottleneck anywhere. My transfer averaghes are about 9,000-13,000Kb per second. Anyways,if you are having such problems transfering files,why don't you go out and spend a couple bucks on another NIC and crosswire cable and then all you would have to do is make sure that your firewall lets that card have full rights. I'm not saying get rid of the router,that's good to have for online stuff like gaming....but for transfering...you can't beat full duplex.

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