Hi guys i am a newb to the mod scene i got the xecuter 2.6 fistr of all i need evox 2.6 3935 so if someone could give me a link htat would be goo also i need th m7 efx bios. and any other things i am missing here is what i have done 1.Install chip 2.need bios 3.need evox HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
ii have google searched and yahoo searched for 1.5 months now can't you just create a new acount here login give it t ome and then. I really need more direction. THanks P.s I also was looking for dvd2xbox and nero 6 those arent illegal so.
thanks guys i got everything working and am ready to go thanks hrdrk20 your the only prson that would just give a straight answer finaly we have someone that didn't say google search thats agains the rules. Well screw that its alerady illegal i don't why they try to hide it in the forums they wont ge tniped for it and a torrent isn't a real file so M$ can screw off with there copyright and bite my mod chipping ass