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fifa 2005

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by stumpy44, Oct 27, 2004.

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  1. stumpy44

    stumpy44 Member

    Oct 27, 2004
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    I downloaded a version that is in german and I want to know if i anyone can help me to change the language to english
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I don't think you can, look for an english download.
  3. ted_trent

    ted_trent Guest

    I think you have to replace the cab.dat files with the english ones... however, i am in a simliar, if not worse, position than you.... i also downloaded it and its in german, so i dont have the cd to replace the english files... if someone could please upload or post the english cab.dat files, it would be greatly appreciated --------- thx
  4. ted_trent

    ted_trent Guest

    ignore my first reply, i found an easy way to do it. all you have to do is rename the following files

    -first, delete the files ger.db and germany.trm which are found in c:\...fifa2005\data\cmn\fe
    -then rename the following files
    rename eng.db to ger.db
    rename england.trm to germany.trm

    Thats it.. that should make it all in english
  5. aero77

    aero77 Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    worked for me, but it didn't change the german commentry... any ideas?

    edit: actually i had a look and, i think its impossible unless you download the english sound files, approx 180mb.

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2004
  6. ted_trent

    ted_trent Guest

    where can you download the english sound files from??
  7. aero77

    aero77 Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    i'm not sure, but i had a look at the german sound file and it was approximatly that size.

    I checked suprnova but they don't have it.

    If anyone knows, plz post a msg of its location, thanks!
  8. russcula

    russcula Guest

    i think i may be able to help you guys out, if i burn my copy of fifa 2005 (the english version) and place it as fifa2005(eng) on kazza then you can search for that exact file name and mine should come up surely you can locate fifa 2005 under my username (russcula) and upload it? would this work? you may have to bear with me as with my lack of time i may not get a chance to do it till the weekend, but if it works then you'll all have it.

    If you do want me to do this then let me know and i'll post a msg as soon as its ready to be uploaded, i'll tell you the exact file name so only you guys will know what its called, and know what to search for.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2004
  9. kroketnet

    kroketnet Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Hey russcula, plz upload them to kazaa. I need the following files


    could you plz mail me about when you uploaded them and unther which name??? mail me at NoPostingEmails@Afterdawn.com

    already thanks. Hope to here about you
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2004
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    kroketnet, no email address post, do you hear the thunder approaching!!!!
  11. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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  12. russcula

    russcula Guest

    hmmm dont think they like it when you post an email address. No need for me to have it anyway.

    I will post the files under fifa2005eng, i'll put all 3 files into one folder for ease, the folder will be under username russcula as a kazza user and should be avaliable as from tommorrow (Tuesday 9th) night. (around 7pm english time). Any problems finding post something on here & i'll see if i can sort it out. A search for fifa2005eng should pick up on my file though.

    I have now found all 3 files, i've put them into a single folder and will put in on kazza tonight at 7pm english time. To confirm the file will be called fifa2005eng. Under user russcula and it will be as an audio file although i'd recommend a search under everything just to be sure. I'll keep it online all night and for as long as possible but it may be dissconnected at around 8am Wednesday (due to my dad using the line for business). it will be back online at 7pm Wednesday. Hope this helps you out. Any probs post a thread.

    just so everyone knows the files are avaliable on kazza, i couldn't put them into a single folder for some reason so each is individual. The keyword for each is fifa2005eng hope you can find them. They'll be there all night.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2004
  13. sc2saturn

    sc2saturn Guest

    Happy football to everyone english!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2004
  14. swoop_al

    swoop_al Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Hi all,

    Like you I downloaded the German version and was looking for the english files and found them at filefront.com.

    It a total of 14 files that must be downloaded and unrared but once you've got all 14, it works great. So if it's slow on Kazaa give it a try. It only took me about 30 minutes to download all 14 files.


  15. russcula

    russcula Guest

    if i were you guys id go with the sites to get the files as i cant promise i will be online all the time, infact its pretty much just nights and weekends. If you still need me to do it i will just let me know. Good luck, hope it works out for you.
  16. leonsw20

    leonsw20 Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Havking also got the German version for fifa 2005 ive been looking for the sound files. I have browsed the filefront.com website and cant fiond the files anywhere please could somebody direct me to where i could get them

  17. sc2saturn

    sc2saturn Guest

    There is a cool website called Soccer.gamez.nl and they have game patches, custom files for shirts, cheats, and commentary downloads for fifa 2005 but the site is in Dutch I think.

    There are some custom sound files in english at this location. The files are put into 14 rar files that you can download from file front.

    The web link I post is to custom commentary by a soccer game community... NOT PIRATED SOFTWARE... goto the site and you will see. All that is there is cheats, patches and custom files to enhance gameplay and the sound files are there as custom upgrades as well. Just click on FIFA 2005 and goto the "commentary" section and you can download commentary in german, english, and dutch.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2004
  18. swoop_al

    swoop_al Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Wait a minute let me check and get the link for you guys!!!
  19. leonsw20

    leonsw20 Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    there you go people thats the url to get all the commentary files in english for fifa 2005

    by the way are any of you using a pos2 converter on your pc so you can use a ps2 controller with fifa 2005
  20. russcula

    russcula Guest

    for anyone who wants them the files are on kazaa as of now and should be all night. They were not avaliable yesterday as my internet was playing up.
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