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Could Not Perform End Of Disc-At-Once Error

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by pactu2121, Nov 6, 2004.

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  1. pactu2121

    pactu2121 Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    I've been using nero for some time now with 100% success...until today..all of a sudden i've been getting this "could not perform end of disc at once error...and it's doing it with all of my movies that are currently on my hard drive....can somebody please help..this problem just started today for some unexplained reason...please help..thankx
  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Defragment your hard disk.
  3. Budz

    Budz Member

    Nov 22, 2003
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    Im getting exactly the same problem. it was all working fine until today. I have the latest version of Nero im using a Sony DRU 540A DVD+-RW drive.

    I have the latest firmware, i have uninstalled and reinstalled the controllers and the actual drive the proper way (restarting the PC etc..) I am absolutely lost. I have a feeling it has something to do with Windows XP SP2, when i had SP1 installed everything was working fine, but for some reason some of the windows XP updates seem to have messed everything up.

    I must say in general I am very disappointed with the support and DVD+-RW provided by Sony. My Liteon drive seems to be working without any problems so far.

    I really hope someone can help me regarding this problem. Defragmentation of the hard drive doesnt seem to work. pactu2121, Please let me know if this worked for you!

  4. qmerda

    qmerda Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    I just upgraded to win xp pro. Then I got Nero and burned a CD. It all worked fine. Now, all of a sudden the CD doesn't burn ANYTHING AT ALL anymore. It reads fine, but no burns. After Nero I installed Roxio (former ADAPTED) EASY CD WRITER. That might have done something bad. I tried uninstalling the EASY CD Creater and Reinstalling Nero but it still doesn't work. It's not in NERO. All CD Burning applications are nor working. Someone, PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!
  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi qumerda,

    I'm thinking you haven't gotten all of Roxio (not unusual) try this -

    Remove all types of Roxio tentacles and tendrils with Roxio Zapper –

    Find it here: http://www.microadvantage.net/downloads/zapper60.zip

    Once you've done that, reboot your PC to "flush everything out of your PC's system :)

    Now, again, you must uninstall Nero COMPLETELY.

    This will help you do a "clean" uninstall.

    You must use all of Nero's Clean tools in order to do the job correctly.

    They can all be found here:


    General Clean tool
    Registry cleaner and driver cleaner
    InCD Clean tool

    When you reinstall Nero 6 DO NOT install InCD OR if you do, turn it off in msconfig (better to not install it) it can and does cause problems with other proggys

    When installing and uninstalling programs it's a good practice complete the operation with a PC reboot. It only takes a minute, help it can, hurt it won't.

    Whenever you're uninstalling a program, it's a good practice to reboot your PC (even if it's not called for) to help "Flush" the program out. By the same token, when you install a program, it's a good practice to reboot your PC (even though it doesn't call for it) to help the "New" guy "Settle" it in.

    Now that we've done that (I know it's a "Pain" but when it's done correctly the first time and all the steps are followed then we don't have problems AND we don't have to do it all over again.

    IF YOU YOU DID ALL OF THE STEPS (and didn't skip just one that "couldn't possibly" make a bit of difference) THEN WE SHOULD BE GOOD TO GO - YIPPIEEE ! !

    Now let's see how we do -

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2004
  6. maurice75

    maurice75 Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I have the same problem with Nero and CodytoDVD: I get the message: "could not perform end of disc ".
    However When I want to backup my disk on a bootable DVD-RW using Norton Ghost, it works fine. It has been
    suggested that the IDE controler could be involved in this problem. I updated it but the problem remains.
  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    It sure is't even close to being the same problem.

    You're dealing with 2 burning progtrams in some manner you have yet to describe.

    As CopyToDVD is a burning proggy and Nero has a number of different programs AND a burning appliacation, you'll have to describe in detail what you're doing, with what proggy and at what point you're receiving your error messages.

    What was your exact problem and what did you "Do" to update it ?

    What are you "Backing up" on a "Bootable disc" ?

    This forum deals with DVD Video ripping, encoding and burning. Though our burning solutions may well help you you have GOT to give us something to work with.

    Have you tried checking your basics ?
    Firmware ?
    ASPI ?
    Disk Defrag ?
    IDE location ?
    Jumper settings ?
    What type of media are you using ?
    What programs are you using ?
    Exactly where are you and what are you doing when your error occurs.
    What are your PC's specs ?
    Do you have any Roxio products installed on your PC ?
    Please answer ALL of the above - if you don't know, say so, don't make something up -



    (Did you notice that even I thanked you when asking for you to do something for me to help you - What a world -
  8. ruroni

    ruroni Member

    Dec 22, 2004
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    I was trying to burn image on a DVD-R. I also tried the "DATA" route, and nothing.

    error messages read:
    Could not perform end of Disc-at-once
    Could not perform EndSession
    Simulation failed at 4x (5,540KB/s) (It also failed the real deal prior to this, but I didn't want to give Nero another chance at destroying anymore of my blank DVDs)

    Log File Reports:
    I am nothing, I'm stupid, I'm a newb. ... You're God all mighty himself come down to show how powerful you really are by telling me the 3 magic words that fixes all my woes. I'm in the wrong place asking for the wrong kind of help, because I am so stewped... Whatever it is that it takes to get your rocks off but please, tell me how to get this blasted thing to burn!!!

    I have updated the firmware, since the FIRST error, when I lost one DVD-R. but after teh firmware update, nothing changed. I have not installed any other software. But I am about to download and isntall GEAR PRO trial.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2004
  9. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    your log shows dma mode is off . this will cause slow read and write times . to fix this problem you must change it to dma mode in the device manager . uninstalling the controller and letting windows reinstall it and than reset it to dma mode can correct this problem .
  10. ruroni

    ruroni Member

    Dec 22, 2004
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    Thanks for the reply, I apprecaite it. But... I'm a little unclear about one or two things...

    I'm not seeing any allusions to DMA, in the properties of the DVD burner, under any of the tabs...
    Can you please give me stricter directions?
    When you say uninstalling the controller do you mean uninstalling the drive like so:

    I tried to follow the instructiond according to this site:
    (this link redirects so please wait for it)
    http://www.helpwithwindows.com/WindowsXP/howto-05.html But I didn't have the advanced settings tab they show there, or "DMA if available" anywhere else. [​IMG]

    I'm so sorry for being such a STEWPED newb, please don't hate me with ALL your heart, for my stupidity!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2004
  11. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    ok i will do my best here to help you . first of all if you using windows xp , go to my computer and right click on my computer , select manage , than select device manager , once in the device manager select ide ata/atapi controllers , it is here where you will find your ide devices . you can right click and select properties for each controller and than advanced to get to the dma settings . im not sure which controller you are using for your burner . you will notice if you right click on either the primary or secondary that there is a option to uninstall . i would try the secondary first . just uninstall the secondary and reboot and than go back into the device manager make sure its in dma mode . if it isnt select dma mode . hope this helps
  12. ruroni

    ruroni Member

    Dec 22, 2004
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    Thanks for the replies; I appreciate the effort. I'm afraid my system doesn't have
  13. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    are sure you are looking in the IDE ATA/ATAPI CONTROLLERS . not on your drives like you have posted . are you running xp ? if so i have never seen xp without the advanced tab .
  14. ruroni

    ruroni Member

    Dec 22, 2004
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    Again, thanks for the efforts, I appreciate it very much.
    I realize it's a little confusing, because I posted 2 images of the CD-ROM drives themselves, but that third/last image I posted was of the IDE controller. It's called NVIDIA nForce(TM) IDE controller properties. If you scroll back up to it, and take a close look at the window name, you'll notice it. As for the OS version, the log file itself lists it.
  15. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hey ruroni,

    You seriously need to change your attitude - We don't need posts like that around here -

    Secondly, Lets, reduce the size of your screenshots so that you don't screw up our borders -

    As for your DMA settings, -

    DMA stands for "Direct Memory Access" transfer mode OR as we say in the computer field, it's a really, fast way to move stuff. Many PC's today are using UDMA or "Ultra Direct Memory Access transfer mode, or as we like to call it, a really super-duper fast way to move stuff as opposed to the PIO mode. The PIO or Programmed I/O mode, is a technique whereby the system CPU and support hardware directly control the transfer of data between the system and the hard disk since shortly after the beginning of PC's up until the mid-1990's. So we want DMA (fast) more than we PIO (slow).

    3. Let's check your Drive's transfer mode. It should be DMA-4, not PIO.
    Windows XP downgrades the Ultra DMA transfer mode after receiving six CRC errors and drops it down to the much slower PIO mode.

    DMA stands for "Direct Memory Access" transfer mode OR as we say in the computer field, it's a really, fast way to move stuff. Many PC's today are using UDMA or "Ultra Direct Memory Access transfer mode, or as we like to call it, a really super-duper fast way to move stuff as opposed to the PIO mode. The PIO or Programmed I/O mode, is a technique whereby the system CPU and support hardware directly control the transfer of data between the system and the hard disk since shortly after the beginning of PC's up until the mid-1990's. So we want DMA (fast) more than we PIO (slow).

    3. Let's check your Drive's transfer mode. It should be DMA-4, not PIO.
    Windows XP downgrades the Ultra DMA transfer mode after receiving six CRC errors and drops it down to the much slower PIO mode.

    To enable DMA mode using the Device Manager
    1. Go to "My Computer, ""System Tools," "View System Information," then System Properties, "Hardware," Then Open Device Manager
    2. Double-click IDE ATA//ATAPI Controllers to display the list of controllers and channels.
    3. Right-click the icon for the channel to which your burner is connected and select Properties. Now click the Advanced Settings tab.
    4. In the Current Transfer Mode drop-down box, select DMA if available if the current setting says, "PIO Only."
    If the drop-down box already says, "DMA if Available" but the current transfer mode is PIO, then the user must "toggle" the settings. That is, change the selection from "DMA if available" to PIO only, and click "OK".
    Then repeat the steps above to change the selection to "DMA if available".

    OPTION: Right-click the burner and select "Uninstall" and then "OK" all prompts until the PC reboots. Upon rebooting, the PC should "find" your burner and reinstall it setting it by "Default" to DMA.

    Lastly, when did you last defrag your Hard Drive (HD) ? If you have to stop and think about the last time you did it, then it's way, way overdue. Here we go, (Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter. When it opens, choose your HD, analyses it to see where we stand then if you need it (you probably will) choose Defragment.).

    After you finish doing it now you might want to think about having "Scheduled Tasks" in your Control Panel do it for you on a daily basis.

    A fragmented HD not only drastically slows down your system but it can cause all number of things to happen inside your PC, a messed up burn being one of them.

    Once we've done that, our DVD burner should operate at peak efficiency :D)


    Now let's see if everything will work together the way we want it to, OK ?

    Give it a test run and let us know how you make out -

    THEN we can weork on ripping a DVD -
  16. cybosage

    cybosage Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I did all that you suggested and Im still getting this error.

    I have no idea why, its the same as the orginal poster...It started like two months ago.

    Any ideas?
  17. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    To be honest with you, I don't have the time or patience to scroll back and forth in order to read your screen shots.

    Perhaps you'd be so kind as to go back and either reduce the size of your shots or to delete them so this thread can go back to it's proper size.

    There's and "edit" icon at the top right of each of your posts - then we can proceed -


    Hi cybosage,

    Every problem is different - Please give me all the information you can on the folloing:

    Have you tried checking your basics ?

    Have you flashed your Firmware ?

    Do you have a working ASPI layer ?

    When was your last Disk Defrag ?

    What is your burner's IDE location ?

    What are your burner's Jumper settings ?

    What type of media are you using ?

    What programs are you using ?

    Exactly where are you and what are you doing when your error occurs.

    What are your PC's specs ?

    Do you have any Roxio products installed on your PC ?

    Are you running in PIO or DMA transfer mode ?

    Get back to me with your answers,


  18. cybosage

    cybosage Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I reinstalled Nero, and updated the winaspi.dll

    and it works!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for the help though, I really appreciate it
  19. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    It was there in my list -

    You may wish to keep it for future use. 99.9 % of the time, If you're having trouble - it will be on that list of things to bring up-to-snuff :)

    It's not time to leave just yet, hang out iffin you have the time, snoop around to some of the other forums, checkout the "Safety Valve", there's usually something in the "Wacko" category going on there - OR check out our forums on Digital Camcorders, Photography, Home Theater components, Games, p2p topics or even Cellular phones.

    Always feel free to stop back here at "Newbie Central" and pickup a few more pointers or tricks to make your computer work a bit easier -
    (NO, somebody isn't coming by your house to type for you. He's booked up until June, 2009) I was suggesting something in the line of a shortcut we may have come up with (it happens from time to time) OR a new proggy you might want to try - Ya never know . . . .

    We'll lQQk for you later, OK ?

    Till then, Sea Ya - - -

    Pete :D)

  20. ruroni

    ruroni Member

    Dec 22, 2004
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    I too have the same problem. I don't have any allusions to DMA anywhere on my system properties. It's not under the IDE controller, nor is it under the individual drives themselves. I have been wasting CD-RWs and DVD-Rs left and right, trying all kinds of software, and nothing is working.

    I have defragged my HDD

    I did the ASPI thing in accordance to the website. However only 2 of the 4 ASPI files check. the other 2 are not installed

    Help! I need somebody.
    Help! Not just anybody. Help!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2005
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