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NOOB Needs Help: Xenium, Soderless adapter Causing FRAG

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by lesigel, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. lesigel

    lesigel Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    Hello Everyone,

    I want to first say great forum. I have been looking for infortmation until my eyes started bleeding, so I figured I might as well ask. I got a ver 1.0 xbox, and I decided to install a soderless Xenium ICE. I got everything on there with out a problem. I started my Xbox, and I did not get a splash screen for the Xenium, like the Xodus instrustions said I should. I did get the red light from the mod chip itself though. Naturally I thought it was a bad chip. So I decdied to swap it out with an older Xenium chip. When I went to power on, the Xbox would turn on then off twice, than stay on with the Red and Green light (FRAG condition)pulsating on the eject button. Well now thats all it does, when ever I try to use the Xenium ICE as well. The only time that it does not go into FRAG is when I disconnect the D0 from the soderless adapter. By taking that off, the normal xbox OS boots up just fine. My question is two fold. How do I get rid of that FRAG condition while trying to using the Xenium ICE? And second I have been reading a lot of Forums, and read that the bios is not preinstalled on all mod chips, so why would Xodus say that you should get a splash screen after install of the chip only? I am confused about both issues. If anyone has any suggestion I would be very greateful.
  2. lesigel

    lesigel Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    I figured it out. I thought the adapter was sitting on top off the LPC just fine, it wasn't. It works now. Now I have to figure out where to get the bios and EVO dashboard
  3. MultiCopr

    MultiCopr Regular member

    Mar 27, 2004
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    I thought the xenium came ready to go with bios and dashboard (or whatever it uses).
  4. gtaxbox

    gtaxbox Regular member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    The Xenium OS... but that won't run games.. it lets you flash bioses, lock/unlock drives, flash eeprom, ftp, etc.

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