I have two OGM videos, both encoded with DivX 5.0. I try to play them in Winamp, and the don't work. It will have the video names, but there will be no progress slider thing and the timer stays at 00:00. When I open the with AVIcodec, it says that I have the OGG audio codec installed, but not the DivX 5.0 codec. When I open them with GSpot, it says that I have the DivX 5.0 codec installed, but not the OGG audio codec. I know I have both of these installed because, even though I already knew I had them, I went ahead and clicked the website buttons in AVIcodec and downloaded and installed them myself again. They still won't play, but any other DivX AVI will play and a regular OGG audio file will also play. I am pretty sure that they are valid files because it is a Japanese anime and in GSpot it shows the DirectVobSub filter as being part of the video path. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out the OGM faq at doom9: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58680 Particular number 1 on the faq.