Alright I want to get a new mod-chip for my XBOX. I got it used a couple weeks ago and I'm not sure what version it is yet but lemme get to the point. My dad won't let me order a modchip because he thinks modchips are illegal and if we order one microsoft will come after us. So help me out here. Point out sometihng to me that i can show him so I can order one. Thanks in advance!
Hey man, you can mod your xbox without a mod chip. Check out or check out my website These websites can softmod your xbox for you. Or supertrick has tutorials to do the softmod yourself. Good luck -Brice
Use a softmod only if you're desperate. If you screw up, a softmod can leave you with a 6-pound brick at the end of the day, and the only way to recover it would be using a modchip.
I think a softmod is better than a chip. With a chip, you have to solder, if you burn one little thing on the motherboard it can completely mess up your system. If you mess up on a softmod, all you have to do is put in the game you hacked it with to get FTP access and just start over. It is really quite simple. Soldering can be a hassle too. Good Luck -Brice
In answer to your question RE Legality of modchips, A modchip on its own is perfectly legal. I feel sure that a chipped xbox is legal (cause you can buy them), i think that the legal issues lie in the software/firmware. Would appreciate someone posting the full details on this issue, 'cause am deperate to know myself. I know that the BIOS's are illegal to distribute, but are they illegal to posses or flash onto a chip? Thanks in advance for any replies. Guy
It is legal to have a modchip,but to use a different bios is illegal.If you flash the original bios with a different bios that in itself is considered illegal.I think that is the main reason why there are alot of sites that require registration to access the bios.The softmod is alright to use,but like said you only get one chance to get it to work.If for some reason you mess up on it you will have to use a modchip.I am using a solderless mod right now,don't like the fact of soldering a mod in my system reason for updated mods.If it is the soldering that is bothering you then you could replace it with a solderless mod such as Xecuter 2.6 or something like that.
yeha EvoX what I am looking for is something In-depth on what is legal and what is not. The soldering doesnt bother me because ive made alot fo mods on my computer and such. Im just tied down on what I can get and I think we all need an FAQ or something on what is and isnt illegal.
Read this post yesterday - some relevance to legality issues -
i'm pretty sure buying a modchip and installing one is perfectly legal so you can make backups of YOUR REAL GAMES for your use only. The illegal part comes in when you flash it with hacked bios and when you copy games that you do not own.