My Apex Digital 27" LCD TV is HDTV Ready. From what I understand I can get a HD Cable box from my company (Cablevision) which will serve as my HD Tuner. So my question is why would one pay extra for an HDTV (one with internal HD Tuner) when you could just use your cable box or in some cases sattelite reciver as the HD Tuner? Is it just for people who don't have cable or satellite and want to receive HD Broadcast (throught the air) signals?
As I understand it: If you have cable or on on satellite, you do not need a built in tuner since you will have to get a HDTV tuner from your cable/satellite company anyway.
HDTV ready can also mean that the TV is equiped to take a High Definition image, not that it has a HDTV unit inside it, however, in your case it probably does have a built in unit. A bit like the tv's that come with cable/satellite pre-installed and all you do is insert your card. There is no point having a built in HDTV tuner if you can use a satellite.cable box with a one in it.